Home News by RegionAntigua News The Battle Continues

The Battle Continues

by caribdirect

The battle continues, but like the past, a few will fight and the majority will stand on the sidelines until the dust has settled and yet want a seat at the head table when all is safe and well.

From Papa’s notes, saved from the Tomlinsons dustbin, you can read the history of how our forefathers organised, struggled, and sacrificed to beat the British colonials and plantocracy out of Antigua & Barbuda.

Hopefully, the attached notes will inspire our present set of leaders to act and not wait for others to do their work for them.

Granddad told me “in politics you have to be bold,” a quality very lacking in our present leaders, from going to the polls like a lamb to the slaughter in 2009 with an unseen photo list of electors, to calling for a shut down of the country after we lost the election petition appeal instead of after we won the first round on March 31, 2010.

Missteps are forgivable, but constantly losing the momentum on an issue and the uncertainty in political direction will not be tolerated any longer.

My advice is to stop holding stupid marches unless you have something good to follow up the next day or weeks after.

(Source http://www.caribarena.com/antigua/opinions/opinion-pieces/99680-the-battle-continues.html)


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