Home Culture & Society Is Activism For Me?

Is Activism For Me?

by caribdirect

Staff Writer - Katrin Callender

For every cause we may think of, there is a group of people that support it. The categories into which we may organize their concerns are vast. They span heath, politics, and religion and so on.  Activism takes on a variety of faces, peaceful and violent. And efforts to shed light on particular issues do not always result in success for those who put out the effort. As such, some wonder if theirs is a lost cause or a wasted effort.  Others question whether one’s actions can actually change someone’s thinking. And after some time others may question their motivation.

So, is there such a thing as a lost cause? Is it ever a waste of time or effort to share information, which for some will be life altering? Should the fear that we will fail to change someone’s thinking stop us from trying? And does our motivation matter?

Certainly, efforts to promote a cause, which go unrewarded, must be a source of frustration to those who commit themselves whole-heartedly to them. And seeing the individuals who possess the power to effect change ignore our cause, or prioritize other seemingly less valuable causes above ours, is a difficult situation to find ourselves in. But should we view our cause as lost because of their actions? What we may deem their shortsightedness, or heartlessness, is likely a difference of opinion which stems from their own circumstances and therefore, their understanding of the world around them. A powerful person may throw their weight behind one cause over another because they can relate to the one, and have limited knowledge of the other.

Photo courtesy truthserumblog.iamapeacekeeper.com

The way we get persons to care is by first informing them. How can someone care about issues they are not aware of? Raising awareness does not guarantee us support. Yet we cannot gain support without informing others and letting them decide that ours is a worthy cause. People may surprise you when they soak up the information and join in your efforts, commenting on how happy they were to learn about it. And this is why we put out the effort in the first place. We cannot go out there expecting it. We may meet a great deal of rejection first but the joy of winning support is worth the effort. Allow yourself to be encouraged by the positive feedback and fight the despair that may accompany negative feedback. We cannot win everyone but that must never prevent us from trying.

What of the concerns some might have as to what their motivation is. They ask, “Am I doing it because I care, or am I seeking attention and fame?” It is a reasonable concern. We would have a challenge on our hands if we were found to be acting out of selfishness, rather than pure of heart in our efforts. True, regardless of our motivation, our tireless efforts would shed light upon our cause. Yet we could grow tired of acting on behalf of our cause, and join the ranks of the apathetic, if we were working for our own gain. If we find that we have been seeking fame or fortune, we need not quit our efforts. We could instead try to determine how we might change our outlook, renew our commitment to the cause, and monitor our thoughts and behavior thereafter to ensure we continued on track.

Activism calls for us to believe in a cause or an ideal, and to support it and to sometimes gather the support of others. It is a path that is open to anyone who is willing.


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