Home News by RegionAntigua News Patriotism: An Open Appeal to Antigua & Barbuda

Patriotism: An Open Appeal to Antigua & Barbuda

by caribdirect
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Antigua & Barbuda is facing difficult times that demand “a patriotic response.” These were the words of the Honourable Minister of Finance Harold Lovell during the Budget Debate.

Given that he was speaking on behalf of his government and his party, we can assume that the call for a “patriotic response” would be led by the chief servant as Honourable Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer refers to himself and his entire team.

Regardless of personal feelings or political affiliation, there is no doubt that all of us feel a kinship to the call. If you never felt it before, our present circumstances demand a patriotic response.

Given the leadership being displayed by our government, there seems to be an urgent need for clarity on the definition of the phrase “a patriotic response.”

Webster’s Dictionary defines a patriot as “one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests.” Is this definition sufficient? Can we look in our history for examples of patriotic responses?

When Prince Klass planned an uprising against the authorities of the day and their interests, was he being unpatriotic? When Sir Viv refused to join the Honorary White Team to South Africa in defiance of the authority and interest of that country at the time was he being unpatriotic? When Sir VC Bird led the strike against the authorities and their interest in his day was he being unpatriotic?

On the international stage, when Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther Jr, King, in their respective countries, fought against apartheid and the economic system that kept their people as second-class citizens were they being unpatriotic?

And in the religious realm, when Moses under God’s leadership demanded “let my people go,” then went about enforcing their release, was he being unpatriotic?

I wish to posit that a full definition of patriotism would include interest in the welfare and betterment of the state; supporting and promoting the best interest of the country; loyalty to justice and fair play for the greater good; and resisting any attempts to undermine the best interest of the state.

Within that context, I wish to really explore what is required at this time in terms of a patriotic response for Antigua & Barbuda in terms of the current affairs of our country. I wish, in this context, to address several audiences, firstly my government, secondly the political parties, and finally the wider public.

The patriotic duty of any government it to, at all times, act in the best interest of the greater good. This implies to do so above personal agendas and it must include transparency and accountability.

Several reminders must be served at this time particularly to the chief servant.

Sir, in case it has temporary slipped your mind, many of us voted for you because you promised a different type of governance.

You whetted our appetites with post Cabinet briefings, the Trilogy of Legislation, the one strike policy for your ministers, and your clear affirmation that you would rather give up being prime minister and the government rather than compromise on the pledge made with the people.

This was the contract you signed with us in exchange for our vote. Many of us are not supporters of your party, but our vote was our patriotic response to the challenges our country faced at the time.

Today, Prime Minister Spencer, you leave us with more questions than answers. You scoff at us when we dare to ask for answers. You take our intelligence for granted and introduce, into discussions, red herrings when we attempt to engage you.

We simply ask you to let us have answers to the basic questions we ask about our country and how our tax dollars are being spent.

Are the generators new – yes or no?

We are not satisfied with the report on the fences and want a more detailed inquiry.

Do you really feel that your government has done enough to reduce expenditure and to lead by example to warrant asking us to sacrifice more? What is the status of the government’s divestment plans, particularly for State Insurance?

How is it that despite the existence of the Freedom of Information Act we still can’t access information on the status of so many government policies and issues? Do you really expect to continue to tell us that we must all work together and come on board yet reserve all decision-making roles for yourself and your foot soldiers?

I suggest that the unpatriotic response hails from your corner. The half accounting presented to us, with whom the real power lies, is not a patriotic response. The attempt to belittle us and push the political divide rather than simply provide straight answers is not a patriotic response.

Your government’s convenient recall in how it handles matters, to surface only to play the blame game, is not a patriotic response.

The recent gerrymandering tactics, which did not really address the fundamental problems impacting on our election process, I wish to suggest, is an unpatriotic response.

Did you address the funding challenges? Did you look at the inequalities in the constituency boundaries? Did you take any time to reflect on your contribution to the election fiasco rather than continue to soil the characters of many who have continued to serve this nation well? Did you forget your promise to act in the best interest of the nation at all times?

To the political parties – both UPP and ALP – what is your priority? Country or party?

To the UPP membership, are you so blinded by party loyalty that you cannot see when your members are not acting in our best interest? Is party preservation worth decimating our beloved Antigua & Barbuda? Is it really that difficult to stand up inside your party and demand better?

To ALP, please note that the majority of Antiguans and Barbudans are not in the mood for another exchange. To date, your party has not demonstrated that you have made any effective and practical changes to convince us that you are ready to run this place again.

Have you been following the courts lately where so many grown men in the top echelons of the ALP can’t recall?

There are so many gray areas and absolutely no attempt by a party who want to govern to lighten our darkness.

Let us see a party that is going to clean house, address clearly the many questions regarding outstanding issues. Allow the matters to be brought to a close and let the chips fall where they may.

Let us see that ALP is a party preparing to govern and not a party waiting for things to fall apart to step in by default.

To my fellow citizens and residents, what are we doing to rise above the challenge? How much longer will we continue to let politicians divide us? Whose country is it anyway?

The politicians are all accountable to us, not to friendly governments, not to international or regional agencies, but to us.

It is time to remind the politicians of this fact. It is our monies that they spend. It is our patriotic duty to ensure that our country’s best interest is served at all times.

While we complain about the government wanting more taxes, are we playing our part to make our country better?

When will we begin our patriotic response and answer to duty’s call to serve our country?

(Source http://www.antiguaobserver.com/?p=70282)



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