Home Community Research Help Neeted For ‘INTEGRATE’ Study

Research Help Neeted For ‘INTEGRATE’ Study

by caribdirect

How pharmacists will provide effective prescribing for patients and carers.

If you live in either the West Midlands or Northeast England and use community pharmacies this may be an interesting opportunity for you. We want to select 10 diverse people, from all walks of life, to bring their talents and experiences to community pharmacy research.

As a valued part of the research team, you will receive an honorarium (£40 for each 1.5 hour meeting) to compensate you for your time in attending five or six on-line meetings, provisionally starting in August 2024 (5th / 6th).

If you want more information, please email the team no later than 17th May 2024:

West Midlands: [email protected]

North East: [email protected]

[email protected]

Alternatively, simply register your interest using the QR code



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Miguel Davis May 1, 2024 - 7:00 pm

Will be signing up!

Noman May 1, 2024 - 6:41 pm

great post


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