Home African Caribbean Urban Masala offers Metropolitan Style

Urban Masala offers Metropolitan Style

by caribdirect
sherika alecia

Lifestyle Correspondent Sherika Alecia Miller

Urban Masala fashion line makes for an ideal vacation wardrobe. The collection incorporates handmade, non-seasonal fabrics from around the world; as well as unique shapes of pants, tops, jackets, shawls and dresses –which are easy to fit and comfortable to wear.

The line was intentionally created using elastic waists; with few zippers or buttons for sized fitting to be less of a definitive issue.

According to the designer “The range also offers women alluring dresses without being sexually over exposed.”

Much of the line features “one-of-a-kind” elements where the shape repeats but the content changes. The Designer, Sehar Peerzada creates clothing which are designed as ensembles but are sold as separates that can be mixed and matched to the wearers taste.


This is a design feature that has significant economical benefits as well as aesthetic benefits to the customer. The line is intended for a broad customer base that identifies with a cultural hybrid approach to achieve a modest metropolitan style.

Sehar Peerzada states:

“Urban Masala is a cultural hybrid collection because it brings the ethnic mix to a level where it is wearable, not as costume but as everyday wear. Many people won’t wear ethnic clothing because it’s perceived as a costume.

As a form of cultural expression you’re not obligated to wear the complete cultural dress anyway. Because we are in an era where corporate culture is not supportive of cultural dress as everyday wear, people tend to take a little dab of culture and apply it to contemporary dress.

This is something I noticed when I sold full mud-cloth coats through Nordstrom some years ago. Mud-cloth was my entree into Nordstrom Department Stores. The coats sold well, so I know that there is a market for cultural hybrid fashions”

It is a new moniker that uses hand block printing on non-seasonal fabrics, representing the mix of cultures and lifestyles in urban centers across America. www.UrbanMasala.com

























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