Home African Caribbean Two Days To The Guyana Diaspora Sustainability & Investment Conference

Two Days To The Guyana Diaspora Sustainability & Investment Conference

by D Fitz-Roberts
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As the much talked about Guyana Diaspora Sustainability & Investment conference (GDSIC) is a week away it still attracts influential speakers with the latest addition being Group Director for Sustainable Finance & Sustainable Investment, Mr Ibukun Adebayo who is expected to speak on ‘sustainability in an oil producing environment’.

Scheduled for Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th November 2023 this inaugural conference featuring government heavyweights, Guyana Foreign Secretary Robert Persaud, Chief Investment Officer, Dr Peter Ramsaroop and Head of Diaspora Affairs, Rosalinda Rasul will be held at the Kensington Conference & Events Centre, Hornton Street, W8 7NX, London.

Aimed at providing Guyanese and friends an opportunity to discuss and learn how to participate in the Government of Guyana’s national development plan. It is also expected to provide up to the minute information on job, career, contract and educational opportunities available to Guyanese wanting to return home to serve.

While Dr Ramsaroop is expected to focus his presentation on outlining the many investment opportunities available across the many sectors including agriculture, education, manufacturing, technology and innovation, oil and gas and more, he will also be holding pre-arranged face to face discussions with company decision makers.

Rosalinda Rasul is expected to spend time with young Guyanese and friends as well as Guyanese keen to learn of how they can contribute to the further development of Guyana and learn what initiatives and programs are in place to support them in the diaspora.

A half hour segment is dedicated to updating Guyanese and friends on the brewing border dispute between Guyana and Venezuela that is escalating. This will be undertaken by Foreign Secretary Robert Persaud on Sunday 19th November 2023.

The theme of GDSIC2023 is ‘Securing Guyana’s Future Through Diaspora Engagement.’

Admission for this event is easy: (1) Saturday 18th November 2023 [Guyana UK Investment Day] a small fee is charged; (2) Sunday 19th November 2023 [Guyana UK Diaspora Day] £5.00 donation. Tickets available on Eventbrite: Tickets or on the website: www.guyanadiasporaconference.com


Guyana Diaspora Sustainability & Investment Conference (GDSIC) 

GDSIC was conceived following the successful Guyana Energy Conference held in Georgetown, Guyana, February 14th to 17th 2023 where we recognised a significant opportunity to bridge the inadvertent information / knowledge gap between Guyana and the Guyanese Diaspora in the United Kingdom and by extension, Europe. Essentially GDSIC will strengthen linkages and build alliances with the Government of Guyana, the Private sector and Civic organisations that will help Guyana’s growth and development globally.

For more details: email: [email protected] or call: +44(0)204 577 3776. Follow us on Social Media: X, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TIKTOK.

D Fitz-Roberts

D Fitz-Roberts

D Fitz-Roberts is a multi-talented writer on socio-economic issues having worked in journalism across the Caribbean (Grenada, Guyana and BVI) in the 90s. He has worked in London with Black Britain Online, New Nation Newspaper and Caribbean Times. An academic with a passion for research on distributed ledger technologies in emerging economies he is keen to see the Caribbean embrace bitcoin and blockchain technologies to keep pace with the west. He writes periodically for mainstream publications and is the founder of CaribDirect.com. He is also the author of Caribbean children’s book LifeSucks! available on Amazon.


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