Home PoliticsCaribbean Diplomacy PM Denzil Douglas: Caribbean leadership by example

PM Denzil Douglas: Caribbean leadership by example

by caribdirect
Darby Etienne MA Diplomacy

Darby Etienne MA Diplomacy

The Caribbean region is not notorious for principles and or values – whether religious or political dictatorships, but the plurality or plethora of mixed society.

One questions, where the Caribbean draws its strength from in dealing with the socio-economic problems it faces?   The question is being asked in light of the economic challenges which currently face the Caribbean islands.

It is even more important now, owing to the magnitude and the impact of the Global economic meltdown. What can possibly be done to change the way the people and more emphatically the leaders of the respective Caribbean Islands think vis-a-vis as to how they relate to the rest of the world.

As I attempt to broach this subject I relate the above to a LEADER whom I have long since admired – the Dr. RT Honourable Prime Minister Denzil Douglas from the island of St Kitts and Nevis.

I suppose you could call his rule a democratic dictatorship, the longest serving leader in the Americas which includes the Caribbean, Latin and Central America.

This tiny nation’s leader for the past 16 years, has steered his country to paths that the rest of the islands could only stand up with open jaws and admire in awe, because the others did not have the guts to do it.  Yes! It is true that the island of St Kitts has a very small population but so too is Liechtenstein in Europe.

Prime minister Denzil Douglas. Photo courtesy zizonline.com

Prime minister Denzil Douglas. Photo courtesy zizonline.com

While the rest of the regions kept their civil service workers on very low wages, Prime Minister Douglas paid his workers on a much higher scale which added value and inevitably enhanced productivity of the civil service.    He opened up consulates and embassies where none of the other countries would dear to tread.

Whilst the other islands stuck to the status quo and a modus operandi , allowing the western nations to dictate, most times at risk of feeding their people.  The Caribbean islands until recently, still debate and fight over choosing to have diplomatic relations with China or Taiwan because of the “one China policy”.

He has explored the relationships with the Taiwanese much to the benefit of the people of St Kitts and Nevis.  When the rest of the Caribbean was busy negotiating with Europe on the Economic Partnership Agreement and further on the issue of removing visa restrictions on travel for their citizens,  Prime Minister Douglas had the privilege of already governing a  country which posed no  social risks to the Europeans : and similarly in the case to  Canada.

So how does the developed world reward such a good leader? In December 2012 President Barak Obama delivered a left hook to the people of St Kitts;

In accordance with section 502(f)(2) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the “1974 Act”) (19 U.S.C. 2462(f)(2)), I am providing notification of my intent to terminate the designation of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis (St. Kitts and Nevis) as a beneficiary developing country under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program.

Section 502(e) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2462(e)) provides that if the President determines that a beneficiary developing country has become a “high-income” country, as defined by the official statistics of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (i.e., the World Bank), then the President shall terminate the designation of such country as a beneficiary developing country for purposes of the GSP, effective on January 1 of the second year following the year in which such determination is made.

What this means is under America’s GSP program St Kitts & Nevis will no longer benefit from the economic help given to developing countries. Referred to as a preferential duty-free system of entry similarly to the one put in place by the English on Caribbean bananas which the US fought the WTO and won eliminating preferential treatment causing economic hardship in the region still today.

For being enterprising and innovative and astute a statesman as he is, I am sure Prime Minister Denzil will not go down.  He has a strong political chin and will not wobble from that left hook.

He will continue on his path in strategizing true economic and social advancement for his people.   I guess this was not as bad in contrast to the upper cut which former President George Bush landed on Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe.

Former prime minister Tony Blair. Photo courtesy tonyblairoffice.org

Former prime minister Tony Blair. Photo courtesy tonyblairoffice.org

Crippling sanctions placed on his nation because of the “take back country’s land reform policy“ from the English squatters who occupied it, the Labour Government of Tony Blair refused to pay for the land despite an independence deal previously agreed by  the Conservative British Government.

Low and behold the tiny island of St Kitts and Nevis’ economic classification was upgraded to a high income status by the mighty America on the basis of economic statistics a conundrum as applied by the World Bank.

This tiny island which was a somewhat tongue in cheek embarrassment for its grouping in the OECS, had reduced its debt to GDP ratio, Wow!  Guyana with a bigger population and endowment of resources – of minerals such as bauxite and not to mention the gold only skimmed at the surface, remains at the low middle income status.

Incredible!,  I mean for real, if the developed nations who we all know are relatively poor want to stop giving aid to developing countries they should simply say so instead of giving accolades of deception like this whilst spending billions on wars, Lord I pray St Kitts find oil in their waters.

Interestingly enough it seems that nobody at the United Nations General Assembly bothered to listen to the then Chairman of CARICOM Prime Minister Kenny Anthony’s address when he said ‘that many small states are deceptively classed as “middle income” on the mere basis of per capita’ citing that ‘that development cannot be just about assistance, but also it means that small states require some fairness and balance in the world economic space’.

Is there a developing world control syndrome which comes with an American always heading the World Bank and a European always heading to the IMF?

Incidentally the fairness which Dr Anthony refers to is the unfair subsidies given by the developed countries to their farmers and rum producers which have a direct impact on small economies of the Caribbean.

As we say in Caribbean parlance, ‘The Caribbean should take a page out of the Dr RT Honourable Prime Minister Douglas’ book called, ‘Damn if you do and Damn if you don’t’’.  Forget the handouts of the past as this time is over.  Pick yourself up and realise the world has changed and so must you.

Raise the profile of your diplomatic representations around the world and increase your visibility and presence in countries that were previously considered unfriendly because you are not out to make friends but rather for the promotion of the economic well-being of your people.

Happy Birthday Dr RT Honourable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! …… 16 candles.

Photo courtesy leahqueenofcakes.wordpress.com

Photo courtesy leahqueenofcakes.wordpress.com

60 years old yesterday, may God continue to bless you.


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