Home Spirituality Kipper – Living for Jehovah

Kipper – Living for Jehovah

by caribdirect

Staff Writer - Carol Cato

Karen said NO to my hand in marriage.  WOW, I was not expecting that one. I asked why, and she said that she loved me, but she didn’t want to be a Christian any more, she would marry me if we would leave the church.  Karen wanted to return to the world.

I had left the world nearly a year ago, and it feels like yesterday.  I could not go back there for anyone.  I told Karen that, but she still begged me to leave the church.  I told her that I left a girl in Brooklyn who I loved, and who was not a Christian, why would I now leave someone who knows about Jesus to go back into the world. Colossians 2:4-8 I told her to leave and not to come back.

That night I prayed. I asked for guidance Psalm 25:5. My heart was broken; I needed to concentrate on being a Christian before getting involved with someone else.  I was broke, without a job and now without the lady I loved.  I had to pull myself out of this depression.

That night I had such a bad dream that I was being attacked.  I woke up in fear and began to pray in the spirit Ephesians 6:18.   I prayed for at least 2 hours until I felt like I was being held by Jehovah, a calmness fell over me until I fell asleep.

I woke that morning with a renewed spirit Ephesians 4:23.  I rang the Bank to talk to them about remortgaging my home in Brooklyn, so I could raise funds for the franchise.  God was now working in my life. The Bank Manager called me into the office.  I needed to raise $100k with the help of God.

I told the Bank Manager about the shop I had seen and would like to secure for the business. I gave him the details, the shop was in a prime spot, I was surprised it had not been snapped up, but I just knew in my heart that God had that property for me.

My Bank Manager said that he would get back to me, as soon as he could, he said that he didn’t think it would be a problem remortgaging my property, but they may be a problem securing the shop as a few people were asking about it, and the shop owners had had a few offers but have not accepted any so far.  I had my faith in God and left the bank to head back to Brooklyn to see my mother as it was her birthday the next day.

It had been over a year since I left Brooklyn, and even though I would talk to my mum every week on the phone, I had not seen her since I had left.  I had just arrived at my parent’s home, and was just in the middle of taking out my holdalls from the car, and as I turned around my old boy Jerry was standing before me.

Karen Crying. Photo courtesy shane-theanfieldlover.blogspot.com

I had not seen Jerry since he left to live in Maryland with Beth.  We hugged for a moment, then Jerry told me that he heard from an ex girlfriend that I had got saved, and that he was also saved.  I told Jerry about Karen saying no to my proposal because she no longer wanted to be a Christian. Jerry informed me that not everyone at church is a genuine Christian.   I told Jerry In the end I let Karen go. I also told Jerry about my new business venture.

When I arrived back in Atlanta, the Lord was surely working, because the next morning the Bank Manger called to say that the remortgage of my property went through fine, as we thought it would, and also that my offer was accepted by the shop owners.

The Bank Manager said, “You must have God working on your side as the offer we gave the owner was put on the table before by someone else and it was rejected”. The Bank Manager said “I remember you insisting that we must not go any higher”.  I said, “Yes I serve a mighty God”.

After that everything fell into place.  Yes I missed Karen but I love the Lord more.  God confirmed to me the opening date of the business. He also provided me with experienced staff, who had worshipped at my church who were looking for a job.

I invited many locals and church folks to the open day, it was a success.  I’m still single, the business is hard work.  I’m spending time with the Lord and now mentoring the black youths once a week at church.  Pastor John said, I would make a great Pastor one day.  I just smiled.


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