Home African Caribbean Jamaicans are great people…leave Jamaica alone!

Jamaicans are great people…leave Jamaica alone!

by caribdirect

In community news. This is a response to a letter written by someone saying Jamaica needs Jesus to get out of its troubles. See link to earlier letter at the bottom of this letter.

Since when Jesus is the hope in Jamaica? Leave Jamaica alone, and give it back what belongs to Jamaicans. Jamaicans are great people, I love them and love their spirit.

In fact, my wish has always been to see Jamaica before I die and I know I will see it! I am not a Jamaican but my spirit is in Jamaica. Jamaica is blessed and does not need Christ!

Jamaicans excited at their athletes performance at Olympics.Photo courtesy www.demotix.com

Jamaicans excited at their athletes performance at Olympics.Photo courtesy www.demotix.com

Look at other people in the world who are living high and fat, Jesus is not in their equation at all! These same people came to advertise Jesus to you and don’t practice Jesus but look how well they are doing.

Can’t you see something is wrong? Where is religion, where is sects when it comes to help you pay your bills? Open your eyes, wash your face and start investigating religions other people gave you.

Why is it that they are doing well when you are praying billion times more than them? Find out about their histories and their tricks and how they became Rich.

They never called on Jesus! When you finish investigating, you will be able to sort our your personal problems as well as Jamaica’s problems!

Jamaicans need rightful redistribution to its wealth among all its people, needs fairness, not corruption in high places with demons from outside Jamaicans manipulating the wealth of Jamaica.


Link to letter entitled, Christ is only hope for Jamaica.’


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