Home Spirituality Easter. Have we got it all wrong?

Easter. Have we got it all wrong?

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Taken from The Degree Christism written by Dr.Malachi K York

Ques: What Is Easter?

Ans: Originally, Easter Was Called The Feast Of Feasts, Sunday Pasch By Many Nations In Different Tongues Such As: Greeks, Rumanians, (Pascha), Italians (Paqua), Spaniards And Portuguese (Pascua), French (Pasqua), Norwegians (Paskir), Danes (Paaske), Gaels (Casc).

The Festival Of Which You Read About In The  Scriptures During The Time Jesus Was Quite A Different Festival From The One That Is Now Observed In The Roman (And Protestant) Churches, And At That Time It Was Not Known By Any Such Name As Easter. It Was Called Pascha, Or The Passover. That Festival Originally Agreed With The Israelite’s Passover And Was Not Idolatrous.

This Religious Occasion Reflects The Christian Conviction That Jesus Died, Was Buried, And Subsequently Disappeared On Friday, And Was Resurrected (Acts 4:33) The Third Day After His Death On Sunday, Which Is The Happiest Day In The Christian Calendar.

Ques: How Does The Christians Easter Story Tie Into The Egyptian Resurrection Story?

Ans: The Christians Easter Story Ties Into The Egyptians Story Because More Than 5,000 Years Ago The Ancient Tama-Reans (Egyptians) Adopted A National Holiday, Which Came At The End Of A 4 Day Ceremony, In Which Usir (Osiris) Died, Was Buried And Then Disappeared On Friday. The Tama-Reans (Egyptains) Called That Day The “Loss Of Osiris”. Usir (Osiris) Was Associated With Both The Lunar And Solar Cycles.

The 4 Day Ceremony Of The Death And Resurrection Of Usir Was Therefore Held At The End Of The First Week Following The Full Moon (Lunar Cycle), Following The Vernal Equinox (Solar Cycle), Which Is Exactly The Same Date That Was Later Set For The Christian Easter.

It Is Interesting To Know That In Egypt, Easter Monday Is And Has Been A National Holiday For At Least 5.000 Years. It Is Called The “Breath Of Life” Day. It Is The Happicsts Day In The Egyptian Calendar. People Shed Their Winter Clothes And Wear Their Brightest Outfits. Uniformed Officers Store Their Black Wool Uniforms, And Don Their White Outfits.


According To “The American Heritage Dictionary” The Word Easter Is Defined As The Following:

Eas•Ter (eiStaR)N. 1. A Christian Feast Commemorating The Resurrection Of Jesus. 2. The Day On Which This Feast Is Observed, The First Sunday Following The Full Moon That Occurs On Or Next After March 21. 3. Eastertide. [Middle English Ester, From Old English eAstre. See Aus- Below.]

However, Easter Is An Egyptian Holiday And Based On The Four Pointes Of The Solstis Which Has To Do With The Four Days Of Usir (Osiris) Being Dead And Ressurccted. That Is An Egyptian Holiday, And They Borrowed It. When You Look At The Dictionary Definition Of The Word Easter, You See The Word Easter Coming From The Middle English Word Ester Which Is No More Than Ishtar, Which Is No More Than Isis (Aset).

The Reason Why Ester Which Is The Only Book In The Bible Where The Word God Is Not Used, Is Because They Would Have To Put The Tama-Rean (Egyptian) Names In. Most Of The Names Of People In The Bible Are Tama-Rean (Egyptian) Names. People Just Don’t Know That.

I Should Correct That And Say Attributes And Not Names Because When You Take A Person Like Abraham For Instance And You Translate His Name Meaning “Father Of Many Nations”, That Is The Hebrew Rendition But It’s From The Egyptian Origin Ab (Heart), Ra (The Sun Deity), And Ham (Majesty).

You Have To Stop And Say What Was His Name Before He Received His Name? This Was Before Prediction And Prophet-Hood, Because Prediction And Prophet-Hood Didn’t Come In Until The Books Of The Prophet And The First 5 Books Of The Pentateuch Or The Tanakh (Torah). But Think Now, How Could You Cross Over The Tigris Valley Being Jewish And The People On This Side Call You Hebrew.

Let’s Start Again. How Could You Be The Person Of This Side Crossing Over The Patriarch Of The Hebrews Vet, In Hebrew It Means “To Cross Over”? The People On This Side Of The Water Has Been Speaking Their Own Language.

So Who Called Him That? Him And His Family Were Crossing The Tigris Themselves. They Wouldn’t Have Name Themselves? So The People On This Side Called Him That, So This Language They Adopted Abraham Into Hebrew From Someone Else’s Language. And As They Started Correcting The Language They Changed Sarai To Sarah, From There They Started Going Down The Line.

You Find Out A Lot Of People’s Names In The Bible Started Getting Changed, They Took Their Tama-Rean (Egyptian) Names And Gave Them Chaldean Names Or Phoenician Names Or Canaanite Names. They Changed Sutukh To Set Which Became Seth In’ Genesis 4:25. They Altered All Of Their Names, Because They Were Borrowing A Culture, You Follow.

All Of This Is Said Because When You Get Back To Ester, Easter, Ishtar And Isis It’s All The Same Principle.

Ques: What Does The Egg Have To Do With Easter?

Axis: The Egg Is One Of The Best Known Easter Symbols Which Has Symbolized Renewed Life Since Ancient Times, Because All Living Creatures Begin Life In The Egg. Egyptians Continue To Color Eggs And Eat Them During Their Celebration. The Egg Is The Primordial Egg That Ra Whose Proper Name Is Re Was Born Out Of.

If You Learn The Science Of The Primordial Egg This Is Where The Tamahu Gets The Ra, Or The Re Which Symbolize The Sun. This Is: Where He Gets His Concept Of The Goose Who Laid The Golden Egg. The Golden Egg Is The Sun And The Goose Was Supposed To Represent The Primordial Mother Of All Nature And That Is Why When You Study Each One Of The Egyptian Deities, You Read Their Names. Geb. Represents One Of The Elements.

Hapi The Deity With The Male Body With Breasts And Female Hips That Is The Key Of Hermaphrodite.

The Hermaphrodite Which Is The Fertility People Which Also Came Down In One Temple In Edfu (Temple) In Thebes Where Usir (Osiris) Said “1 Am The Male And The Female”. He Was Talking About Power Of The Den> Called Hopi Or Hapi. If You Look It Up You Would See These Things. However, These People All Relay It Back To Corning Out Of The Primordial Seed, Out Of The Water.

They Gave Us Three Principles Which Are The So-Called Highest Scientists, But The Word Neter When It Becomes Plural, It Becomes Neteru. The Highest Principal Was Three, The Science Of All Triad In Rituals In Tama-Re (Egypt) And They Came Out To Be Three Reigns Atum-Re, Awn-Re And Amun-Re. Those Are The Three Higher Sciences According To The Study In The Egyptian Mystery And They Were Responsible For Germinating The Seed. Amun Was The Seed, The Last Seed Amen Where They Used His Semen To Plant On Earth. Then Tefnut Is The Moistness Which Is The Sister When They Talk About The Primordial Water Of Chaos In Ancient Egypt. They Are Talking About Inside The Woman And Inside The Man. The Two Fennatnents In Mystical Sciences Are The Two Forms Of Water In The Human Body. The Two Forms Of River That’s Why They Say Chaos In The Woman.

There Is No Egg In Christianity. There Is No Egg In Judaism. And There Is No Egg Births In Islam. The Only Place Where There Is An Egg Birth Recorded Is In The Egyptian Book Of The Dead. When They Say That Ra Came Out Of An Egg And Then The Concept Of A Stork Delivering The Baby Is The Same Story That They Stole From The Tama-Rean (Egyptian) Deity Tehuti (Thoth), The Ibis Bird And Gave Them To You As The Dove.

Ques: Why Do They Pick The Dove?

Ans: Well, You Know Magicians Used Doves, They Pull Them Out Of No Where. You Notice That The Dove Doesn’t Flap Around Because If You Take A Dove And Stick A Dove In Your Bossom Or Any Where Else, The Moment He Gets Out Of The Light He Goes Into A Coma State.

Did You Know That?

They Ceased To Move You. If You Go To Any Pet Store And Ask Them To Take A Dove And Take A Paper Bag And Put The Dove Into The Paper Bag And Close It The Dove Will Stop Moving. So Jesus At 33 Years Old Was Resurrected From The Dead Or What Was A Dead State As The Dove, That’s Why They Say The Dove Ascended.

The Voice Was Behind The Dove And Jesus Was Laying In A Dead State And Woke Back To Life. This Is An Ancient Egyptian Ritual That Was Borrowed From The Deity Usir (Osiris) When He Was Dead The Deity Tehuti (Thoth) With His Power Gave Met (Isis) The Seed To Bring Haru (Horus) To Life.

So In Actuality Haru (Horns) Was The Rebirth Of His Father The God Of The Underworld Usir (Osiris), They Didn’t Believe In Hell. So The Story That You Get Of Jesus Dying And Going



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