Home African Caribbean A dedicated servant returns to Trinidad and Tobago

Caribbean news. It was an evening of tributes, song, poetry and speeches to mark the formal departure of High Commissioner H.E Garvin Nicholas in the presence of Trinidad and Tobago nationals and associations.

High Commissioner H.E Garvin Nicholas and his wife Dr Nicola Alcala were visibly overwhelmed with the show of appreciation including the presentation of gifts. The High Commission fought valiantly to hold back the tears when he rendered his remarks and expression of gratitude to the people who rallied around him throughout his sojourn at the helm of the Trinidad and Tobago high Commission.

See photos of the proceedings below:

HC Garvin Nicholas' Nationals official leaving function

A very sad and appreciative Garvin Nicholas holding back the tears

HC Garvin Nicholas' Nationals official leaving function

 Garvin Nicholas embraces an ardent supporter

HC Garvin Nicholas' Nationals official leaving function

 Garvin Nicholas thanks Grenada High Commissioner
Joslyn Whiteman




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