Home African Caribbean CIBN Saint Lucia networking evening

Caribbean news. The count down continues to the anticipated first CaribDirect International Business Network (CIBN) Saint Lucia themed business networking event on Thursday 15th May 2014.

Billed for The Saint Lucia High Communication 1 Collingham Gardens, London SW5 0HW entrance on Bolton Gardens. This event will be fast paced, inspiring, educational and intimate. Start time 6:45pm – End time 9:45pm

Saint Lucia High Commission

The line up includes but not limited to the formal opening of the networking session by His Excellency Dr Ernest Hilaire, High Commissioner for St Lucia; a presentation by Chief Executive Officer of Invest St Lucia McHale Andrew via video link; a short message from Head of Latin America and the Caribbean Campaign team, UKTI, Tony Lamb; a statement from creator / director All About the McKenzies, Samuell Benta; an endorsement from serial award winning entrepreneur and Chief Executive Officer, Rich Visions, Mavis Amankwah, a message from former Southwark Mayor Althea Smith, Caribbean Tourism Organisation Marketing Director, Carol Hay, Paradise Prints Director Fiona Compton, 2 ninety seconds elevator pitches by CIBN members  CEO Caribbean Media House, Lillian Allen and Coach and founder of Wasawo Fitness Ltd, Patrick Wasawo; and more.

Special guests of the evening include Graham Brady MP for Altrincham and Sale West; Lord Rana MBE from County of Antrim; Caribbean High Commissioners and Overseas Territory Representatives. See video of CIBN launch event:

As space is limited interested persons are urged to book immediately to avoid disappointment. This is a ticket only event and patrons must register online as tickets will NOT be sold at the venue. For general inquiries or to make arrangements for offline registration call direct 0207 840 0995 or switchboard 0844 357 9707 or email: [email protected].

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High Commissioner for Saint Lucia HE Dr Ernest Hilaire

High Commissioner for Saint Lucia H.E Dr. Ernest Hilaire


Invest Saint Lucia CEO McHale Andrew

Invest Saint Lucia CEO McHale Andrew


Multi award winning entrepreneur and CEO Rich Visions Mavis Amankwah

Multi award-winning entrepreneur and CEO Rich Visions, Mavis Amankwah


UKTI International Trade Adviser Bryan Treherne

UKTI International Trade Adviser, Bryan Treherne


Creator Director All About The McKenzies Samuell Benta

Creator / Director All About The McKenzies, Samuell Benta


Former Mayor of Southwark and entrepreneur Althea Smith

Former Mayor of Southwark and entrepreneur Althea Smith


Director of Marketing UK Europe Caribbean Tourism Organization Carol Hay

Director of Marketing UK & Europe Caribbean Tourism Organization, Carol Hay


Coach and founder of Wasawo Fitness Ltd Patrick Wasawo

Coach and founder of Wasawo Fitness Ltd, Patrick Wasawo


Lillian and Ricardo

CEO Caribbean Media House, Lillian Allen and husband Ricardo Allen




Graham Brady MP for Altrincham and Sale West

Graham Brady MP for Altrincham and Sale West

We look forward to hosting you once again!

This event will be photographed and recorded for broadcast on UK and Caribbean television.

For more details on CIBN, follow us or like us on Facebook.

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We provide news and information for anyone interested in the Caribbean whether you’re UK based, European based or located in the Caribbean. New fresh ideas are always welcome with opportunities for bright writers.


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