Home African Caribbean Soca artiste Benjai raises eyebrows with near nude performance

Soca artiste Benjai raises eyebrows with near nude performance

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Caribbean news. We know entertainment generally has licence to do almost anything to win audiences but to dance on stage to tunes requiring gyration, in one’s underwear is pushing it! Trinidadian Soca artiste Benjai performs Come Out to Play in his Underwear at Soca Monarch competition.

Benjai performing in a boxer's outfit. Photo courtesy townhall.com

Benjai performing in a boxer’s outfit. Photo courtesy townhall.com

Benjai is described as one of the most lyrically savvy artistes to come up within the last decade, He is poised to make significant advances on the international music arena in the coming months. He is already among the most sought after soca / ragga-soca acts along the east coast of the United States commanding audiences of thousands with his engaging performance style and infectious personality.



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