Home Culture & Society Opening the trap door: A good way to do business

Opening the trap door: A good way to do business

by caribdirect

Staff Writer – Audrey Linton

Over the next few weeks I will be writing a series about how we can build a platform of success for yourself and others.  The main focus of this writing is based on a very poignant, selfless scripture verse found in Luke 6 v 31 –
‘Do unto others as you would have them do to you.’

I will predominantly highlight workplace practices, however these principles can be used in our every day living and encounters.

A few years ago I attended a conference for women in senior leadership positions who had smashed the ‘glass ceiling’ and in high levels of senior management within the workplace.  One of the questions raised by a member of the audience to a panel of highly distinguished women was what are they doing to ‘open the trap door’ as at times when women are promoted into senior positions, they did not necessarily help others to get into similar positions as they could be seen as a threat!

A trap door is a small door in a roof or ceiling which can be used as an alternative doorway if the main doors are barred.  Imagine that the handle of that trap door was on the other side and only someone on the other side could open that door.  That was the picture that I saw as that statement regurgitated in my mind over and over again.

Figuratively speaking this was how some viewed some people in the workplace who had managed to get into senior positions or positions of influence and had the ability to help others but refused to open the door for them.

In the early stages of the life of King David he found himself in this position.  He had all the potential of becoming a great king,  but King Saul – who was already on the throne in Israel – refused to open that door for him.  He was enraged with jealously and bitterness and saw David as a major threat.

King David. Photo courtesy pbs.org

There was one person in Saul’s household who showed kindness to David and became his armour bearer and gate-opener.  His name was Jonathan – the son of King Saul!

Jonathan was a faithful friend and every time Saul sought to destroy David, Jonathan was there to protect him – and at times would have sacrificed his own life for him. (Recorded in I and II Samuel).

If you  believe that you are being held back by your supervisors, managers, team members, church leaders, then maybe you need to think about how you can become a door opener for them or others?   How can you build a platform of success for others – yes you are right – sometimes they might not deserve it – but withhold not good from anyone when it is in the power of your hand do give it  (Proverbs 3 v 27).

Not all of us belong to the ‘old boys network’ which is built on the ethos of ‘you scratch my back and I will scratch yours’.  This goes far  beyond that mantra as it goes opening the trap door goes out of its way to identify who you can help with no strings attached.

Does it seem that no-one is opening doors for you?  Then open the trap door for someone else!


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