Home Culture & Society I’ll Trust you

I’ll Trust you

by caribdirect

Staff Writer – Carol Cato

“The most difficult thing is to find yourself in a storm, while in that storm everyone you thought you could count on has walked away.  Sometimes it seems even God himself has forgotten about you, but despite that you’re still be able to lift your hand and say, ‘I trust you Lord’

These words came from the song ‘I’ll Trust you’ by James Fountain and it’s the basis of my blog today.

Your storm could come about from the loss of a loved one through death or separation; losing your home or job and going through financial difficulties, finding out you have a life-threatening illness, not being able to conceive a child. The reaction when these things happen to us is shock and fear about how we’re going to survive.  This brings on the emotional pain.   We might turn to family and friends for support, but sometimes they’re not able to help you, not because they don’t care, they don’t often know how to help or what to say to comfort you.

This is when we need to stand on God’s promises, because His words are true, but before we get into crisis we should make it our practice to learn God’s words so that we can pray God’s words during our time of need and come out victorious.

John 10:10 says “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” In the life of every Christian Satan is the thief who is waiting to destroy you.

 Here are some of the things the devil wants;

Your life: This represents your divine assignment in life. The devil delights when men and women don’t discover, start or complete the agenda God has set for their lives.

The fruit of the womb: The devil’s desire for your children and your children’s children is to destroy them.

Your name: The devil enjoys erasing the names of families, men, women, children etc. from existence, especially if they constitute a threat to his dark kingdom.

Your marriage: Marriages crash daily at an alarming rate. Once the family unit is broken, society and nations will have a problem with unity.

Your career: This symbolizes what you are able to do. When a career is under the attack from the devil, it will struggle to succeed.

Your present life: The devil does not want anyone to complete the number of their days on earth. Untimely death is one of the weapons of the devil to fulfil this aim

The promises of God: When the devil attacks the promises of God for you, they will not come to pass. The danger of this is that you will remain in the valley of promises instead of arriving at the mountain top of fulfilment.

Your voice: Every man has been given a voice by God. One of the joys of the enemy is to silence voices and make sure the authority of your voice is lost.

Trusting! Photo courtesy conversiondiary.com

As a Christian you may find that you encounter more storms than a non-believer, this is because Satan is not happy with your Christian life. We should remember he will always be after us, and by knowing the “Word” we can quote powerful scriptures as we pass through the storm.

When you find yourself in the middle of a storm, the first response should be to pray.  Prayer is power and prayerlessness means powerlessness. Through prayer we communicate with God, it allows us to draw nearer to Him. Prayer strengthens our faith in God, that only He has the answer and only He can solve each storm in our lives. Through prayer we discipline ourselves to hear God’s voice; it’s not just for us to talk, but to allow Him to talk to us.  We must surrender all our troubles to Him, tell Him what we’re going through, yes He knows, but He wants you to say it.  When blind Bartimaeus cried out to Jesus to help him, Jesus asked him “how I can help you?”  Jesus knew Bartimaeus was blind, but that might not mean Bartimaeus wanted his sight back, he may have wanted something else.  So when you cry out to the Lord, tell him what your problem is and tell him what you need.

Here are some of the promises in the scriptures.  Try to memorise some of them so when you’re next in the middle of a storm you know what to say and can trust Him to be there.

Exodus 15:26, 1 Peter 2:24(NIV);
1 Corinthians 16:2;  Proverbs 6:6-8;
Philippians 4:19;  Matthew 5:4;
Psalm 18:2;  Psalm 34:18;
Jeremiah 17:14;  Jeremiah 33:6;
Matthew 8:2-3;  Psalm 23:4;   Isaiah 25:8






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