Home News by RegionAnguilla News Has the Jamaican Prime Minister Grown wings?

Caribbean news. Madam Fly Minister, I have heard that you are leaving on the next plane and we don’t know when you’ll be back again.

Madam Fly Minister, you should take care with the taxpayers’ purse or should I say the IMF loan funds.

pic from www.thefader.com

Photo courtesy www.thefader.com

In your presentation in Parliament on February 11, 2014 you indicated that your government has racked up 7 million for 25 ministerial trips over the months since 2012. Wow! This is more trips than the president of the United States of America, the prime minister of Canada, or even The Queen of England combined.

With these frequent trips to foreign countries, one must ask who is at the controls and managing the country’s affairs? Moreover, who is in charge of the country’s budget?

If my memory has not failed me yet, isn’t Jamaica broke? The public sector workers have taken a wage freeze upon wage freeze. There have been increases in taxes and the dollar has been allowed to be devalued by the government, all in the name of sacrifice for our country. However, Madam Fly Minister continues to believe that she can fly like the lyrics from that R Kelly song.

Madam Fly Minister, the Jamaican people are still awaiting a detailed report indicating whether your many foreign trips has borne any fruits and what financial benefits we should look forward to.

I can recall your very own words, Madam Fly Minister, in the debate with the then prime minister, now Opposition leader, Andrew Holness, when you repeatedly stated that the people are suffering.

I am of the view that before Madam Fly Minister makes plans for another multimillion-dollar trip that she should listen to the poor people’s cry and ground herself.

Pic from petchary.wordpress.com

Photo courtesy petchary.wordpress.com

Over to you, Madam Fly Minister, your flying spree is aiding and abetting the taxpayers’ suffering.

Article courtesy Jamaica Observer: written by Patrick Callum


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