Home African Caribbean Dying Dutch language of Guyana entertains students

Caribbean news. Guyana is the only English-speaking country in South America, but English has been the official language for much less than the 232 years when Dutch was the main medium of communication.

The actual words spoken by most Guyanese is an English base creole that is very elastic to various regions and has slight historical influences from Dutch, West African, Arawakan, and to a lesser extent Indian Languages.

Berbice Dutch Creole was a language developed by the slaves on the plantation of Berbice that survived the passage of time and only recently was considered officially extinct by international language database Ethnologue. Article by Dmitri Allicock

Albertha Bell Photo courtesy guyaneseonlinewordpresscom

103 years old Albertha Bell, the Last Speaker of Berbice Dutch Creole, interviewed by Jamiekan Langwij Yuunit in 2004.. Photo courtesy guyaneseonline.wordpress.com



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