Home Culture & Society Don’t look Back…

Don’t look Back…

by caribdirect
Staff Writer - Carol Cato

Staff Writer – Carol Cato

As we step into 2013 and leave 2012 behind us, we should remember not to look back but to keep on improving on the good things we’ve learnt, and try to gain wisdom from the things that didn’t go to plan.  When Lot’s wife, in Genesis 19:26, looked back she turned into a Pillar of salt. Only God knew her motives for disobeying His word, perhaps she was reluctant to tear herself away from the material things being left behind.

We are tempted to look back and reflect on failed relationships, financial struggles, illness, but remember God is always there, in the storm with you.  However, it’s only by going through the eye of the storm that we can come out victorious and with a testimony to share with non-believers.  I feel that as believers we go through more storms than others.

The devil is a liar and he wants to rock our faith.  The storm is to test our faith, but by knowing the Word as you’re passing through the storm and by prayer you will understand what is happening.  When you start to pray through a storm the devil starts to tremble, that is why you need to keep on praying through your storm by stopping you are allowing the devil to get control over your circumstances.

The storms are life lessons we have to learn so that we can improve ourselves.  However, the problem is that we don’t always appreciate the lessons and we want immediate results to our prayer.  We have to remember it has to be in God’s time as he knows what’s ahead of us; He is the author and finisher, of our faith in Hebrews 12:2.

We must continue our prayer Life, through prayer there is no problem that can’t be solved, no sickness that can’t be healed, no burden that can’t be lifted, no storm that can’t be weathered, no devastation that can’t be relieved, no sorrow that can’t be erased, no poverty cycle that can’t be broken, no sinner that can’t be saved, no fallen that can’t be lifted, no hurt that can’t be removed, no broken relationship that can’t be mended, no mourning that can’t be comforted, no heaviness that can’t be covered with the garment of praise,  no thirst that can’t be quenched, no hunger that can’t be filled, no congregation that can’t be revived, no nation that can’t be transformed.

Are we still praying to get out of financial debt or have we stopped after a few weeks because we think nothing has changed?  Something has happened although you may not have noticed it.   God may be waiting for you to make the next move, perhaps to stop spending on things you cannot afford.

Are you still paying for an extra TV channel that you don’t need but hardly have enough money for food? Or are you spending more than you’re bringing in?  Have you looked at ways to save money? Have you created a budget plan for a year to see where money is going and where you can reduce your spending?

These are some of the things God could be waiting on – why would he send you financial salvation if you’ve not taught yourself how to handle money?

Are you still praying for that potential husband or wife?  Have you decided you can’t wait on God any longer so you’ll find someone yourself? You sometimes hear people say they heard from God about the potential mate, however, I believe that sometimes they can’t wait so they go and pick who they feel is right for them.

Again, His delay might not be a denial, are you ready to be husband or wife?  Are there dramas in your life that a partner would find hard to deal with?  Have you taken the time to know yourself; are you truly ready for that special person?  No matter how old you are God will not send you a man or a woman of faith if he feels you are not ready.

Don’t give up on your prayer life because you feel that it’s not working.  God is always present in your life; he’s just waiting on you to go forward into his light and depend on Him.  As we pray we should also listen, God is trying to talk to us, follow your prayer with 10 minutes of sitting still and just listening.

Lot's wife. Photo courtesy fullcirclefilmworks.com

Lot’s wife. Photo courtesy fullcirclefilmworks.com

When we finish praying we should end by giving Him thanks.  Your prayer life shouldn’t only be about asking for what you want.  Ask God how you can be of service and how you can help to bring people to his Kingdom.

For 2013 why not set goals that are realistic, write them down and check on your progress at least once a week until you have got it into your routine.  They say you have to do something 21 times before it becomes a habit.  You can set goals at any time of the year, but people usually find it easier to set them at the beginning of the year.

Before you set your goals ensure that everything is set up for you to succeed.  If you intend to lose weight, you may need to enroll at a gym?  If you want to pray for 15 minutes a day you should decide on the time and place this will happen.  If you want to pay off your debts; setup a budget planner for the year.  You need to organise yourself and get things in place before the day you want to start.  If possible tell other people what you’re planning to do; they can help by making you account to them on your progress.

In this final note and Blog for 2012, I pray that you find joy and peace in 2013; that no illness will come upon you; that God’s shield of protection will continually surround you; that you will find your purpose in life; that the goals you set in 2012 will succeed in 2013 in Jesus’ name. That your testimonies will glorify God.

I pray that the Holy Spirit will touch each and every one of my readers to win more souls to further God’s Kingdom. I pray that in 2013 you receive all your heart desires; that are in line with the Elohim, will be fulfilled in Jesus’ Name.  Amen


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