Home African Caribbean Does Anyone Really Have The Right To Say Who Is Caribbean And Who Is Not?

Does Anyone Really Have The Right To Say Who Is Caribbean And Who Is Not?

by caribdirect

Being of or from the Caribbean means a lot to many people. After all we have the best beaches in the world with azure waters, we are the most friendly folks anywhere and we’ve got the distinction of being able to claim having once had the most successful cricket team on the planet…So yes folks can get a little touchy about being Caribbean. 

On the political side it cannot be ignored the fact that our turbulent history, having been torn from pillar to post by the English, the French, the Dutch and the Portugese those many years ago has left us feeling very emotional and protective of the lands that bear the blood sweat and tears of our ancestors. But does that give us as Caribbean citizens the right to determine who has the right to affirm who is or who is NOT a Caribbean citizen? Well this woman believes she has the right…What do you think?



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