Home NewsSunshine Corner Bad Breath: The Ultimate Turnoff

Bad Breath: The Ultimate Turnoff

by caribdirect

Staff writer - Nyasha Watson

Image this: You see this hot guy hanging out with his friends and every now and then his attention turns to your direction. So you are confident that he is definitely interested in you. It is now up to you to signal to him that you are interested in him so that he can make his move.

So, after about half an hour of eye flirting; he finally heads into your direction to introduce himself.  However, before he even enunciates the first word the smell that is coming out of his mouth attacks you like a speeding car.  Or the smell that is coming out of your mouth attacks him like a speeding car!

Yes, the guy is attractive but his breath is killing you; so a conversation is definitely not on. So you can either find a quick excuse to leave and never see him again or you can leave him with your number in hope that his mouth will be in better care the next time you see him. Most people will choose the latter after all he is hot.

Now here comes the difficult part; do you tell him that his mouth is stinking? Personally, I would not recommend that you tell a complete stranger that their mouth smells; they might be quite insulted. However, if it was one of your friends then you must tell them.

Keep your breath in check

But you may say that it is somebody that you are interested in for possibly a romantic relationship and I would still say no. Nonetheless, if the problem persists then I would ask you to use your discretion.

On the other hand, if you are the culprit who has the bad breath then here are some tips. Firstly, you should not spend less than five minutes brushing your teeth. Also, flossing your teeth after brushing them is necessary because brushing alone will not remove all the food particles.

When out in public it might be necessary to check your breath; especially if you ate anything .Finally, never leave home without your gum or a mint in the event that a hot guy walks up to you and you don’t have time to check your breath you can simply slip one in your mouth.


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