Home NewsGuyana News UNFPA honours first six babies born at Georgetown Public Hospital

UNFPA honours first six babies born at Georgetown Public Hospital

by caribdirect


THE first six babies that were born at the Georgetown Public Hospital yesterday were honoured at a ceremony to mark the world’s 7 billion people by officials of the hospital and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Alicia Hamer, a 20-year-old mother, gave birth to her second child, the first to be delivered at the hospital yesterday, as yet the first for Guyana at around ten minutes to two yesterday morning, on the day the world is celebrating its population of 7 billion.

The other five mothers that were honoured at the hospital included Florien Emmanuel, who gave birth at around 3:30 am yesterday morning, Lorrel Hinds at 4:20 am; Shevon Bobb, at around 5:55am; Zalima Jawahir, around 5:16am; and Yolanda Hardin, before 6.00 a.m.

Speaking at the event, Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health, Shamdeo Persaud, said that this is indeed a special day since the babies are very significant at a time when the world is expanding.

A smiling Alicia Hamer cuddles her new born baby. Hamer’s baby was the first to be delivered at the GPH on WPD 2011. (Source http://www.guyanachronicleonline.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=34796:unfpa-honours-first-six-babies-born-at-georgetown-public-hospital&catid=4:top-story&Itemid=2)


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