Home Business You are what you think…!

You are what you think…!

by caribdirect

Staff Writer – Audrey Linton

You may have heard that age old proverb ‘as a man thinks, so is he’.  Your thoughts govern your mood, decisions and actions.

St Paul encourages us to meditate on and put into practice certain virtues which will enable you to become a more successful and grateful human being.

Practice Truth

In this time of back hand deals, corruption and banks gambling with customers’ money we have seen the effect of dishonesty.  Business owners and managers are feeling the squeeze in cutting costs, generating enough cashflow whilst paying all the expenses.  This can sometimes mean that the temptation of dishonesty appears more appealing than before. When the pressure is on and the heat turned up.

The threat of dishonesty is only a thought away – meditate on it and like a muscle, it will become stronger. Focus on truth and you will have favour and a good name with men and with God.

Photo courtesy pharmagiles.blogspot.com

Practice  Justice

Fairness and equality are common words used in our everyday language .  However one size does not fit all so it is not always easy to be seen as if you are administering justice. How do you treat staff or colleagues fairly without coming across as if you are favouring one person over another? Or in order to avoid the issue do we resort to what applies to one applies to all?   I know this is very difficult to manage but again the first steps begin with our thoughts – endeavouring to be just in all that we do to customers, clients, colleagues and employees.

Practice Authenticity

No one likes a false  person.  No one trusts a person who comes across as false.  Be true to who you are.  It’s so easy to try to walk in other people’s shoes – but I have news for you – they will not fit you!  Understanding and finding your own identity is a challenge.  So much of who we are is tied up in our profession, wealth, status, but if we strip all those things away and meditate on being real –  it will bring such a sense of peace and liberation.

Practice Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was originally celebrated in the US every November in order to give thanks for a good harvest.  Our harvest comes in many ways.  If you are a farmer – it may be a bumper crop that you want to give thanks for or it could be a profitable year for your business.  For other individuals it may be learning that you do not have that illness that you thought you had, or someone has shown you compassion and mercy when you did not deserve it.  We all have something to give thanks for.

Before you go to bed each night, give thanks for all the good things and the not so good things that happened to you during the day.   Before you start the day give thanks, put your thanks giving out there and see what happens.  St Paul encouarges to put into practice what we have learned and God will make everything work together for our good.

As the bells rang out over the UK to welcome in the 2012 Olympic Games there was a great sense of expectation and great reason to give thanks.  In closing I will leave you one of my favourite Bible verses to meditate on:

‘Give thanks to the Lord for he is good and His mercy endures for ever.’ (Psalms 107 v 1 NIV)


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