Home Culture & Society Xenoestrogen free spring cleaning

Xenoestrogen free spring cleaning

by caribdirect
Vilma Brunhuber Holistic Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach

Vilma Brunhuber, Holistic Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach

Health news. You probably are thinking – what is she talking about.

Xenoestrogens?! Phytoestrogens?! What are they?  I don’t use them.

We are constantly assaulted by estrogens in our environment from the food we eat and the chemicals we use.  Xenoestrogens, one of the more troubling types of endocrine disruptors, mimic estrogens and attach to the body’s estrogen-receptor sites, in both women and men. These xenoestrogens interfere with hormonal signaling and are believed to cause an increased risk of breast, prostate, and reproductive cancers; reduced fertility; early puberty in children; menstrual irregularities; endometriosis; and other disorders1, 3, 4.

Xenoestrogens can be either synthetic or natural chemical compounds.  Phytoestrogens are plant-derived xenoestrogens not generated within the endocrine system but consumed by eating phytoestrogenic plants.  Xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens mimic the action of estrogen produced in cells and can alter hormonal activity.

A new area of research is now pointing to the obesogenic effects of xenoestrogens and other endocrine disruptors. Chemicals that disrupt our hormones are also making us fat, says Bruce Blumberg, PhD, professor of developmental and cell biology at the University of California, Irvine2.

So make this year toxin free and chemical free. Go natural and out some green into your clean.

In the Kitchen

Clear out the fridge.  Wipe it down and deodorize shelves and walls with warm water mixed with a table spoon of bicarbonate of soda or vinegar water.

Run the dishwasher.  Spray a water and vinegar solution on the inner surface and wipe the inside of the door and the racks.

Clean the oven.  Make a paste of bicarb soda and vinegar.  Apply and leave overnight.  Clean with a microfiber cloth on the next day.

Photo courtesy wwwpingofhealthcom

Photo courtesy www.pingofhealth.com

In the Bedroom

Manage moths.  Empty cupboards and drawers and wipe the insides with cedar wood oil.

Fight the mites.  Vacuum the mattress on both sides.

In the Bathroom

Flush out the loo.  Use bicarbonate of soda mixed with a little eco washing-up liquid or white vinegar.  Add few drops of tea tree oil when wiping loo seats.

Tackle taps.  White vinegar is great to remove limescale.  Let it soak for a moment or overnight for better effect.

In the Sittingroom

Vacuum covers, cushions and pillows

Polish up.  Forget chemical furniture polishes.  Just mix three parts olive oil to one part vinegar and start polishing chests, tables and chairs.

Freshen up carpets.  Simply sprinkle bicarbonate of soda, leave overnight, then vacuum.

Make those windows sparkle.  White vinegar and newspaper is the best.  If you don’t like the smell of vinegar, use undiluted lemon juice instead.

If you are in doubt how to keep your home eco-friendly and chemical free, remember this: white vinegar, bicarbonate soda, borox and lemon juice will clean and polish your house, wash and brighten your laundry and they will keep you on budget5.

I would love to hear about your experiences.  You can find more suggestions on:

My website www.vilmaswellness.com, Facebook http://www.facebook.com.vilmaswellness, Twitter @vilmaswellness, or by joining my thyroid group [email protected] .

Or you are welcome to contact me personally via [email protected] To your health, ~ Vilma B


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