Home Culture & Society Volunteering Can Change Your Life

Volunteering Can Change Your Life

by caribdirect

Staff Writer - Latoya Wakefield

“We all know the world we live in isn’t perfect and it may never be but volunteering is a key step in attaining something that is close to perfection” said Candice Ramsaroop, an avid volunteer, of the More Than Tomorrow Project, Inc. and other charities.

I recently met Candice, a very interesting person who hails from our brother country, Trinidad; what captivated me the most about her was her dedication to volunteering. She didn’t just do it for the credits, she did it to make a difference in someone’s life and because it makes her feel better as a person.  I strongly agree with her sentiments and I do believe that through volunteering, we can make ourselves and the world better.

No man is an island, we all need help, some more than others. With the economy shaky, education expensive, cost of living on the rise, now is the time for us to help each other. Volunteering is one of the ways in which we can lend a hand to all those who need it.  United we conquer and therefore if we all pitch in with helping another then we can overcome most if not all of our nation’s problems. Of course, it’s not easy work and some may be long term, but if you stick to it, we’ll gain so much more as a people.

Candice on the extreme left

According to Candice, the two key duties of volunteering are commitment and responsibility. Hence, you must be prepared for such before you volunteer. You can start as small as offering your neighbour a hot meal which they may lack and as big as creating your own non-profit charitable organization. Or you could just do volunteer work through such an organization. It can be a short term, one time action such as the recently held Stigma run or it can be long term such as regularly visiting homes to socialize, assist with lessons, do domestic work, some administrational work, etc.

If you never did volunteer work before or plan to start doing it on a regular basis, I suggest you start with your community. Explore the area you live in and assess what it needs. Visit the schools, churches, youth clubs, community centers and find out which way you can be of assistance. Maybe you could offer an extra-curriculum activity or assist with a homework program, host an event for a pressing cause, offer career advice to the youth, use your resources such as a computer to assist with a project for church. Find ways in which you can use your skills, knowledge or whatever else you can offer to help someone.

Candice Ramsaroop second right

Don’t just sit around and think others will help, help whenever the chance arises. This was one point that Candice promoted as she knows others may decide not to help when she had the chance to.  In return, not only will it look good on your resume, but you’ll also acquire a sense of fulfillment, joy, new knowledge and essentially volunteering assists you in being a well rounded individual.

Take it from Candice that has been volunteering for about 9 years that through helping someone, you also help yourself. Volunteer today, it doesn’t matter how small and assist in making a difference. Keep up the good work Candice and all volunteers worldwide.



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