Home Culture & Society Trinidad Carnival: The Greatest Show on Earth – I

Trinidad Carnival: The Greatest Show on Earth – I

by caribdirect
Machel Montano Trinidad
Abbenash Rajnarinesingh.

Trini Carnival blogger Abbenash Rajnarinesingh.

Welcome to Trinidad carnival the Greatest Show on Earth, a series of articles where I will talk about the many aspects of Trinidad carnival that makes it one of, if not the greatest street party in the world. If you are Trinidadian or Trinbagonian or just a ‘Trini to de bone’ and you have views, comments or suggestions that challenge my views I welcome them so we could together ensure the world gets the story right.

Carnival in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago dates back to the days of French influence on the island. It has historical value and presents an avenue for expression of art forms, feelings and emotions. Carnival today, resonates with that view point.

Many, who come to our shores to enjoy this great event, make memories and encourage others to come and enjoy each and every year. In order to understand carnival we must look at what happens during the season. We must look at the culture, the events and finally the days to which the greatest show on earth takes place.

To a local, carnival is a time to unwind and relax. Coincidentally to unwind they take a “wine” on their spouses, lovers or on a stranger. Carnival brings out the inner renegade, the inner “badness”. We have fun, we let go, and we try to enjoy ourselves. This event is anticipated all year long, therefore it is savoured and like a succulent piece of curry chicken it is enjoyed to the fullest extent.

Trinidad Carnival

Revellers wine at Trinidad Carnival. Photo courtesy commons.wikimedia.org

The events that happen during carnival are called “fetes”. Some are new, some are old, but few are legendary. However, to miss out on one of these “fetes” would be terrible. Since what happens in them can be classified as an epic phenomenon. To be present at one would change how you look at life, how you look at music and entertainment and finally how you look at the way people have “REAL” fun.

Trinidad carnival jouvert

Jouvert revellers. Photo courtesy bbc.co.uk

Finally, we must look at what happens on the days of carnival which starts on Fantastic Friday where the King of “Soca Monarch” is crowned. Then early carnival Monday we have Jouvert. This is an event of mud, oil, paint and music. Carnival Monday turns into a parade of the bands through the city capital it ends like around 10pm.

Machel Montano Trinidad

Machel Montano crowned King of Soca. Photo by Carol King

This is a prelude to the final day of carnival, carnival Tuesday. On this day, every band member comes out in their costumes “chipping down the road” and “taking ah wine” on everything. Here we have music that makes your chest pump and gets you into a feeling of excitement and ecstasy. At the end of the carnival season, usually “Ash Wednesday” many people go to the rivers and beaches to cook and eat, to relax and enjoy what has been a great year for them, performing in the greatest show on earth. Join me next week for more thoughts on Trinidad carnival…LIKE this story on Trini Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Love-Trinidad-Tobago-Because/121057431280796?ref=ts&fref=ts


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