After fifteen minutes or so she called us over and handed our passports and sent us through. If the checks had ended there this note would not be written but as soon as we got to our bags and entered the customs line it was clear that the Customs enforcement team that was waiting was prepped to look out for the suspects Aka Jamaican Criminals.
Without hesitation on reaching the customs officer he called over the woman in bright orange that was the leader of the enforcement team. She showed her name tag before she started her interrogation of the suspects (that’s how I felt).
She asked about the contents of our luggage and my wife and I made sure we wrote everything down on the form. Now even though there were several scanning machines in that area we were the only ones being searched by hand. While searching our luggage I was asked to break open one of the patties we took for our hosts. She then broke several pieces of the ginger we were asked to take and squeezed the hard dough bread so hard that it lost its shape.