Home Culture & Society Tommy Lee not welcome home?

Tommy Lee not welcome home?

by caribdirect

Staff Writer – Kerran Monroe

Why do these things continue to happen in Dancehall?  Why is the job of a dancehall selector so dangerous, and not because he has to play at sessions in volatile communities?

The latest news relating to this issue is coming out of the community of Flanker, Montego Bay; the home of new dancehall sensation Tommy Lee.  A selector was playing Tommy Lee songs at a wake for an elderly woman when, he was ordered to stop playing Tommy Lee’s songs.

He did not heed to this order and this led to a shooting, leaving one person seriously injured.  The irony in this story is that, the incident took place in a community in Flanker known as Vietnam where Tommy Lee originates from.  So why are his songs not welcomed there?

First of all, I want to know why Tommy Lee’s songs are being played at a wake for an elderly woman.  If this was a wake for a young person, I would understand, because I am well aware that wakes have become dancehall events these days, but it is usually for younger folks.

Secondly, again I ask; why are Tommy Lee’s songs banned in his home town?  Is this a typical case of bad mind?  According to the Star newspaper, the community is split on their support for Tommy Lee or lack thereof.

Estranged Tommy Lee. Photo courtesy islandpen.wordpress.com

Lastly, why do some of us believe that our views should cause harm to others?  Why can’t we just voice our opinions, have heated debates about who is right and who is wrong; agree to disagree; shake hands and end there.  Why do we feel the need to harm people because they do not share the same views as us?

It is this high level of intolerance and inability to solve our disputes, why we have such high murder rates.

Look at it, a man almost killed just because someone or a group of people did not approve of some songs being played at a wake.  It is simple; you don’t like a song or artist, do not dance to their songs nor sing them.



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