Home African Caribbean There’s No Place Like Home

There’s No Place Like Home

by Amanda Alexander
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Lifestyle Columnist, Amanda Alexander

Dorothy in the film ‘The Wizard of Oz’ said it, Manasseah and friends sang it, and I’m here to testify that ‘There’s no place like home’, yes I’m back in my beloved St Lucia, my heritage home/womb, my safe place in the sun, hallelujah – Praise the Lord! 

Yes, we know we cannot reenter our mother’s womb, that place of protection, nurturing, love and provision. However, when we encounter some of these emotions, we could theoretically say that we are home. This natural feeling of being home could also be applied to asking ourselves are we truly at home in our spirit? There’s a big difference, in that you may feel at home in your body and soul, but feel anxious, agitated, and unsettled in your spirit. Please consider asking yourself the same question God asked Adam in the garden of Eden in Genesis, chapter 3, verse 9 “Where are You? 

You see, I’m home in St Lucia to execute a mission much like Nehemiah in the Bible, to contribute and help rebuild what has been broken in St Lucia. However, on my second night I woke up with a very anxious, agitated and fearful spirit, and went into prayer. I felt God asking me, “Amanda my daughter, where are you? Why aren’t you at home with me in your spirit? I realised that though I was home in my soul and body, I wasn’t there in my spirit, and needed to get back quickly, before the triplets of fear, doubt and unbelief moved into my heart. 

I prayed, until God’s peace enveloped me, He reminded me of being here on His mission and His alone. I realised that when I felt anxious, unsettled and uncertain, I had left my spiritual home, I was out of the place of protection, nurturing, love and provision. I was spiritually out in the dark and wilderness with wolves, snakes and scorpions, but how did I get there? I had to seek the Lord. 

He replied by saying, “Amanda, although you know what I want you to do, you must seek me at every turn in prayer like Nehemiah did. Don’t get comfortable with the vision in the sense that you want to implement it without me because you feel you know what to do, that is a deception and trick from the enemy to get you to operate outside of me, and in your own strength, because you can’t. Come back to me in your spirit, I’m your spiritual home and your Father”. Upon hearing this I read passages of scripture, became enlightened by the Holy Spirit and my peace was restored. 

I challenge you to ask yourself the question, where are you? If you’re not at home in your spirit, soul and body ask God to find out how you got to where you are. If you’re feeling out of sorts in your body, it could be a weight, dietary or health issue, seek help, until you come to that place of well-being. The ‘Help’ principle can be applied to your soul (mind, will, emotions) and spirit. 

There is no place like home, but to be truly there all three parts of you (spirit, soul and body) must be in unison, then you’ll fully experience our Heavenly Father’s love, through His son Jesus Christ, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live, move and have your being as a child of the Most High God. 

It’s time to come home, because there’s no place like it! 

So until next time, remember that you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x                

 Amanda Alexander is a Pastor, Teacher, TV Media Journalist

Founder of Female Dignity, Warrior Women, Amanda Alexander Productions. She serves on the leadership team of New Life Church in Bishops Stortford and is ministry coordinator for Patrick’s Mission

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1 comment

Sharon Downer January 23, 2023 - 5:02 am

Wonderful and endearing article to God be the glory.


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