Home NewsCaribbean and the City The world is big enough for two…but is it right?

The world is big enough for two…but is it right?

by caribdirect
Literary critic Henry Anthony

Literary critic Henry Anthony

God knows the media’s aware of it.

Your friends, your lovers, perhaps your parents know it well, as much the church.

We all share different perspectives on the suppressed obvious matter.

Step outside, it’s all out there, at times overtly. Homosexuality.

Yet what does it actually mean to be a Bi-sexual? Is it mere excitement? Mere confusion? Or simply mere greed?
Perhaps it’s a gradual discovery of further sexual exploration?

That very first time a boy or guy senses another from the same sex and instinctively feels something. A conviction, acknowledging the opposite sex yet still reverting back to the initial preferred sex. Undeniable sexual chemistry. How natural is this?

Might it be considered a sin? It certainly made Caribbean news in the 70’s!

How does attitude differ geographically in different cultures across the globe?

Local topical debate and gossip from the public in the Caribbean go on to say, ”Homosexuality should remain a crime in the Caribbean cause, that what it is. Whatever your religion, it is simple nasty, out of order, deplorable for a man to leave the natural use of a woman to be with another man.”

Well if a woman should feel more desired perhaps loved by another woman, should it be considered abominable they too to couple as an official item?

Inner sexual chemistry is one thing of course, public label or classification being another.

So how much of our future do we owe to the reproductive cycle within the rights of our present pleasure or gain?

An anonymous friend of mine who is bi-sexual goes on to admit, ”I knew I was bi-sexual when I was 14. I found a lad at school attractive for a period of time. This changed and I didn’t. I thought it was a phase but it wasn’t. I started finding other guys attractive. I mainly like women.”


Photo courtesy al-tirnanog.blogspot.com

One could begin implying a bi-sexual individual is confused because of the continuous to and fro option from which he chooses although he’s certain he is attracted to both sexes, even to which degree outweighs the other. A bi-sexual could primarily may appear lustfully inclined, engaging freely with both sexes yet the average heterosexual may supersede the seeming greed of a bi-sexual in terms of the quantity of lovers.

Morally, which then may be the greater wrong?

And which male character strengthens the idea for a strong working future bride expecting marriage? None?

Which male specifically could the woman identify attaching the greater sin?

A girlfriend of mine who predominantly is attracted to guys believes, ”the issue of concern for religious leaders should be economic and political corruption, not homosexuality.

Beenie man

One of the Caribbean’s one time, most vocal opponent of homosexuality.

Men condemn homosexuality but turn around and commit adultery. ” Which man is ignoring the greater truth from within?

And where does religion come into all of this?

Another from the Caribbean went on to say, ”It is not about religion, GOD is love. It is about power! Homosexuality is a breach of God’s rules concerning man’s sexuality; and there will be consequences.”

In response another voice went on, ”I don’t know if being gay is a sin…stealing, judging, envying, lying are all sin with the same consequence. So I think people should shut up and let God sort this all out…”

My anonymous friend also later informed me, ”I have told friends and work colleagues. I told my mum and my sister, but not my dad. My mum is religious so there were issues there. My dad is not really keen on it, so it’s a subject I will eventually discuss with him, but not at present.”

He also confesses a close friend of his was the most homophobic person he knew…. he has now been married for 8 years to another man… those years of homophobia were like a shield for him…”

Well. No doubt sexuality is an expression, a unique extensive design of who we are.

Or perhaps a shadow masking whom we truly ought to be, were we not walking hidden.

Yet only we can sincerely judge our naked buried desires within and based upon that mystery, can we alone validate our own sexual need through fate, stretching to love others.

We have to acclimatize ourselves with our communities which define our society.

”The tiny island of Saba is known mostly for its diving, hiking, and other outdoor activities, but is quickly gaining a reputation as a bastion of tolerance in the Caribbean, too. Saba is currently the only place in the Caribbean where same-sex couples can legally wed, has a significant gay and lesbian population of its own, and several dive operators on the island run special outings for gay and lesbian travelers.”

We are not Society. Our attitude to one another is.


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