Home African Caribbean The Street Analysis Of Why White Folks Hate Black People

The Street Analysis Of Why White Folks Hate Black People

by caribdirect
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The plight of Black people the world over has been recorded and talked about in all media. The distrust, disrespect and hatred Black people face on a daily basis is unquantifiable. No matter where you go whether it be in the United States where police officers in many cities make it a point to humiliate, batter and even kill Black people because they can and know they are most likely going to get away with it.

In the UK injustices against Black people continue to be perpetrated by people in authority on a regular basis with impunity. Nonetheless Black people are creative, resilient, talented, hard working and extremely imaginative all attributes that have made opportunistic white people rich for hundreds of years, largely at the expense of their own communities. Will this sad state of affairs ever change…is there a new world order on the horizon that is likely to change this oppressive dynamic? This commentator has an interesting, though colourful perspective of where things are. DISCLAIMER: Strong Language.



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