Home Community The Responsible Society

The Responsible Society

by Dickson Igwe

Dickson Igwe, socio-political columnist

For positive change in the era of COVID 19, a Commission of Inquiry that is throwing a fog over the future, and a terrifying new culture of crime, social cohesiveness and social responsibility – Social Democracy- is the answer.

In a land facing many troubles, people of these Virgin Islands must make tough decisions.

For a safe homeland, residents must decide to give up some freedoms for social order. The Rule of Law must become paramount if this community is to survive, and even prosper. Crime is not cool. Virgin Islanders need to hear that.

One example of the preceding is the scourge of illegal scooters and guns in the community. Both can be tackled. But the community must decide it is ready for tough action in legislation and the  courts, with the support of much tougher policing.

When there is ambivalence towards the need for strong laws  and good order from residents, society suffers.

Law and order must be backed by residents taking up the mantle of social responsibility in order for police work to succeed.

When there is cynicism towards the police and the institutions that drive the Rule of Law, then there is social breakdown and rising crime.

There is a high acceptance of criminal behavior in these Virgin Islands and with that a culture of silence that is never helpful in fighting crime.

However there is a need for trust in the police, and even a purge of the police force of elements within the force that foster social ambivalence towards the police through a lack of public trust for the force, and internal corruption within the force.

A natonal vision, and with that the establishment of national priorities, has been a cry for many years. That has never happened.

A great Greek once upon a time asserted that even if there is a favorable wind a vessel that has no destination will end up on the rocks. A well defined vision and strategic plan will sustain a country in a dangerous world. However the Rule of Law underpins any vision or plan for a country. There is no sustainable society without the Rule of Law.

Now social democracy depends upon strong and honest government.

A safe, secure, and harmonious society also sits strongly upon the Rule of Law.

However, the acquiesence of most of that society for good social order can only be realized when the society ”holds one head” and is working wih resilient public institutions in unity.

Insitutions of governance cannot be seen to be working against each other. And when there is disharmony at the top, this trickles down into the street, and the result is lawlessness and even anarchy.

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