Home African Caribbean The Gift of Youth on a Plate

The Gift of Youth on a Plate

by caribdirect
Stephanie Reed

Health & Nutrition contributor Stephanie Reed.

Health news. Isn’t it the wish of every person to live a long life with good health – to enjoy ‘to-the-full’ the experience of being in this physical dimension? Yet so many of us are battling with illnesses that take our energy, our joy and even our lives. Mother Nature has provided everything that we need.

In her perfection, she has provided us with fruits and vegetables that are packed with the nutrients we need to live long and well.

The modern buzzword is ‘Superfood’, but these foods are common and abundant.

I’ve picked out a few for a special mention. Have these often, in their raw state, as cooking destroys all the enzymes and life force that keep you youthful.

Photo courtesy prepperbroadcasting.com

Photo courtesy prepperbroadcasting.com


Sweet Potato Rich in beta-carotene and Vitamin C,  both powerful anti-oxidants which protect the cells from the free-radical damage that causes ageing. Helps maintain good eye function and smooth skin. Finely grate it and add a pepper sauce.

Sweet Plantain Great source of carbohydrate for energy. Contains more beta-carotene than bananas.

Try it raw in a smoothie. Whizz together a raw plantain and a cup of cashew nuts (pre-soaked) with some filtered water. Add maple syrup to make sweeter if you wish. Delicious!

Photo courtesy www.mjemagazine.com

Photo courtesy www.mjemagazine.com

Sweet Peppers Very rich in anti-oxidants and phyto nutrients to protect DNA, boost immunity against infections and reduce inflammation. Slice thinly and drizzle with olive oil and raw pumpkin oil.

Berries Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries are all amazingly rich in Vitamin C and phytochemicals that stabilize free radicals that would otherwise cause damage to your cells.

Nuts and seeds  Sunflower seeds, almonds, brazils and cashews  contain Essential Fats (EFA’s) and Vitamin E which aids the fluid movement of your blood and protects cell membranes.

You need to soak them overnight and throw away the soak water before you eat them. This makes the nuts easier to digest.

Oats Rich in minerals which support the normal function of your organs. Soak overnight in filtered water then have for breakfast with  raisins, dates and grated apple.

Avocadoes  Wow what a Superfood! Has beta-carotene for eyes and the immune system; Omega 3 fats for heart health; a host of anti-inflammatory nutrients to protect against arthritis; and has a form of protein that is easy for your body to digest and use to replace or repair tissue. Keep a beautiful skin by eating avocadoes often.

Photo courtesy www.dailymail.co.uk

Photo courtesy www.dailymail.co.uk

Broccoli  A superior source of calcium to cows milk (don’t believe the marketing hype by the Dairy Industry). Broccoli promotes strong bones, so it’s good protection against osteoporosis. It’s a bit chewy raw, so to soften chop it up and marinate it overnight in a sauce of olive oil, soy sauce and crushed garlic.

Make a sweet or savoury smoothie with any selection and combination of the above, as an easy way to get extra quantities  of these valuable foods into your diet. It’s quick and satisfying. Whizz-up a selection in a good blender  with some filtered water or nut milk. You can go to my blog at www.beautifulageing.co.uk to see how easy it is to make nut milk.

Get recipes for raw food dishes online, and have fun in the kitchen mixing and matching any fresh ingredients that are available  where you are.

The amount and type of cooked food we’ve been eating for the last 60 years is clearly not working for us. Cooked food is dead food. We’re dying – physically and spiritually.

By eating foods as close to their natural state as possible you are choosing life.


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