Home Culture & Society The Allure of Married Men – Part 2 : “Delilah”

The Allure of Married Men – Part 2 : “Delilah”

by caribdirect

Staff writer - Nyasha Watson

I was talking with one of my friends the other day about our ideal husband. Then one thing led to another and we started discussing the fact that her sister was involved with a married man.

This man happens to be twice her age, however he is paying her tuition fees and also providing her with lunch money on a weekly basis. But, she has no intention to remain with him after she has completed her schooling.


This got me thinking about whether or not married men were easy picking for younger women, who use them for financial assistance. Then do away with them once their financial needs are met. Should we be sympathizing with these married men?

These relationships that they have has to be kept a secret, thus after they have sometimes invested a lot of money in their affairs and then the woman ups and leaves them. They are then left with no one to share their sufferings with, and their only other option is to invest in another relationship which in effect is making them spend more money.

Recipe for disaster...?!

How many females would involve themselves with a married man who did not have a strong financial standing? Well, that is if the female was in fact aware that he is married. Well, this is a totally different issue that I will leave alone for now.

It is theorized that most of the married men who cheat are older men who are bored with their wives and are looking for a bit of excitement in their lives. Thus these men have to be continually forking out large sums of money to satisfy their innate desires.

After all, men are naturally exploring animals; it is in their nature to want to experience a different woman.  Therefore, if a man wants to have a stable affair with a young woman he should be applauded for that. He should not be in receipt of continual deception.

But then again, as Mavado stated in his very popular song women are “Delilah”, which is a pun to mean “the liar”, but the man has no other choice. A woman will always bring a man to his ultimate down fall. What did Delilah do to Samson…? Hopefully you are familiar with the biblical story.

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