Home NewsCaribbean and the City Caribbean And The City – Summer Nightmare 2:

Caribbean And The City – Summer Nightmare 2:

by caribdirect

Staff writer - Kerran Monroe

Revenge is Mine!! Recapping from last time.  I went on a date with this monster whom I had been dating for about a month.  He tried to get me to have sex with him and when I wouldn’t he tried to force himself onto me.  When that did not work he threatened not to take me home if I did not have sex with him.  I called his bluff and took a taxi home.

What I left out last time is that, this man had a child and during the entire month that we were dating he never saw it fit to bring it up.  I only knew because it slipped out during his plight to get between my legs.  He was telling me how I do not have to worry about him getting me pregnant because he does not want ANYMORE children right now.  I was like, ANYMORE?  He tried to laugh it off but of course that did not go down well with me and just dissuaded me even more.  Anyway fast forwarding to when I got home.

After I got home it took me a while to get to sleep because I was just having constant flashbacks about the night I had had.  When I finally fell asleep, I was sleeping sounder than usual.  In the depths of my sleep my phone rang and I answered but I was practically still sleeping whilst talking on the phone and was not aware of the conversation I was having with whoever it was.  When the person hung up, it was then that I regained consciousness and checked my call log to see who it was and saw that it was he who had called.  Of course that was some very disturbing information.  I managed to get back to sleep however.

Revenge is mine...

The next day I was sleeping into the morning sun, which is unlike me.  At about 10am my phone rang again and I saw that it was him but I answered anyway.  He was asking for a chance to explain himself which I was not giving him, as he did not even sound apologetic, I heard no sense of him feeling any remorse in his voice.  Anyway he told me he was driving past my house and would like a chance to talk to me in person to explain himself so I went (don’t ask me why).  This dude was asking me to take some of the blame.  Can you believe this jackass?  And at the same time he was asking if we would work things out and to top it all off he was still asking to come to the party he has invited me to which was suppose to take place on that day.  Wasn’t HE asking for a lot?

After I left him there, all that was on my mind was revenge.  I was swearing I would get revenge on this (xxx) no matter the cost.  I gave him false hope that he still had a chance, while I bought myself some time to orchestrate the perfect revenge plot.  Unfortunately however, I had just decided to let it go.  During one of his routine phone calls where he would ask if I was still interested in him I just told him to leave me the hell alone, as there were no second chances to be had here.

Sorry ladies, this one got away scot free, but I make no promises for the next psychopath who tries anything remotely like that with me again.

As for lessons learnt from this ordeal

  1. Never leave yo yard without get vex money, which I did not, thank God.  Because you just might get vex
  2. Never go for the guy you met at a party.  They see you in adapting to the party scene and think that is how you are in general

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