Home African Caribbean Sugar Mas Carnival vs Christmas…St Kitts ponders

Sugar Mas Carnival vs Christmas…St Kitts ponders

by caribdirect

TWO significant celebrations in the Saint Christopher and Nevis calendar of events have become a controversial war over which festivity should have more preference than the other. 


Photo courtesy SKNVibes.com

Photo courtesy SKNVibes.com

The two holidays, Carnival, better known Sugar Mas, and the globally notable Christmas holiday have now become rivals as many citizens in the Federation share mixed views about the ongoing debate.
During a survey, many locals shared the view that the Carnival celebration should be re-adjusted to a more earlier or midyear date, like other Caribbean countries, rather than having it clashing with the festive season.
With respect to the Carnival celebrations, it is of the view that both holidays are of the same value to the Federation because of the fact that they both “bring people together” in a seemingly divided nation.
Based on an analysis, it has proven that Christmas is more favoured by residents of the Federation than Carnival due to the support by mostly Christians. Locals between the ages of 14 to 18 favoured Carnival with the overwhelming response that it is a constant celebration of culture and heritage among the people of St Kitts; rather than a one day celebration to mark the birth of Jesus Christ.
However, residents between the ages of 19 to 60 share the few that because Christmas has been the island’s practice and custom long before Carnival was introduced, 42 years ago, it should have more preference.
But, 60 percent of the survey believes that the Christmas season is slowly dying in St Kitts because of the heavy emphasis which is placed on Carnival. This goes against the 40 percent that believes that both holidays are losing their value.
The question still remains as to why both holidays were brought together in the first place???!!!
Article Courtesy: Staff Reporter SKNVibes.com

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