Home African Caribbean Sizzla’s homophobic slurs got him a lifetime ban from STING
Staff Writer - Kerran Monroe

Staff Writer – Kerran Monroe

Caribbean news. Continuing with the aftermath of Sting; as was said in a previous article; along with D’Angel, Sizzla was also banned from Sting.  He was however banned as a performer at Sting.  His ban was a lifetime ban.  Sizzla’s ban was due to what is considered homophobic sentiments he expressed during his performance.

Though, Sting a show where such sentiments are expressed year after year in back to back performances by artistes; this ban is understandable.  Unlike the D’Angel ban one could say that the Sizzla ban was warranted given the circumstances surrounding Sting this year.  Sting was this year, promoted as an international event with the pay per view element of the event this year; as well as sponsorship garnered from the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB).

I would like to think that a Jamaica Tourist Board sponsorship comes with standards, when one takes into consideration the types of shows the JTB usually support over the years.  These include events such as the Jazz and Blues festival and Rebel Salute.  Both shows could be considered good wholesome fun concerts; the opposite of the slackness which is usually affiliated with Sting.

Therefore, if the Jamaica Tourist Board; the entity mandated to position and promote Jamaica as a premier tourist destination; to back Sting, then there must have been promises made that certain content would not have been on the show.  This of course would be content that could be damaging to brand Jamaica; especially given that the show was broadcast across the world.

Sizzla. Photo courtesy www.calicomixmachine.com

Sizzla. Photo courtesy www.calicomixmachine.com

As a result, content that could be considered homophobic would of course be omitted from Sting 2013; as of course that would be damaging to brand Jamaica.  Also, it was reported that Sizzla was briefed beforehand that hate speech would not have been tolerated on stage.

So all in all, one cannot argue with the banning of Sizzla from Sting.  A lifetime ban however….? But who knows, maybe it will be lifted after a little while when Sting needs a hype.


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