Home Community anthony severin st lucia – Saint Lucia Appoints A New High Commissioner to London

anthony severin st lucia – Saint Lucia Appoints A New High Commissioner to London

by D Fitz-Roberts
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On Friday 25th February 2022 a special reception was held at the Saint Lucia High Commission on No. 1 Collingham Gardens in Kensington, London to welcome incoming High Commissioner, H.E Mr Anthony B. Severin.

The packed Blue Room in the stately building shared with the Dominica High Commission reminiscent of numerous events organised by previous high commissioners to celebrate independence, cultural days, tourism gatherings and more was host to an august gathering of dignitaries and special guests alike to usher in the mild mannered high flying civil servant Anthony Severin.

Angela St Denis – PA/Administrative Secretary and MC. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

In a short but eloquent speech High Commissioner Severin outlined his primary role, that of representing, promoting and defending the vital interests of Saint Lucia in the United Kingdom and other jurisdictions in close proximity to the UK. Also working to ensure the welfare and safety of Saint Lucians resident in the UK as well as those who are in transit to other countries.

H.E Mr Anthony B. Severin, High Commissioner for Saint Lucia. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

The High Commissioner was very clear about his intended relationship with Saint Lucians in the Diaspora, one which will be truly customer driven and customer friendly with the High Commission serving as a place of refuge in times of distress and turf in good times. He referred to the dedicated work of the mission staff and appealed to all to continue to support them in what at times can be a very challenging job.

Deputy Prime Minister Dr Ernest Hilaire. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

To support this special occasion was a high-level delegation returning to Saint Lucia from the Dubai Expo headed by Deputy Prime Minister and deputy leader of the SLP Dr Ernest Hilaire. Deputy Prime Minister Hilaire who also has responsibility for

HC Mr Severin and members of his team. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

the ministries of Tourism, Investment, Creative Industries, Culture & Information was accompanied by several officials including Housing and Local Government Minister Richard Frederick who is involved in a major push to improve housing and health for St Lucians by travelling to far flung places with an abundance of resources such as Dubai that may provide opportunities to support both the health and housing sectors.

In a personal message of support and congratulations Dr Hilaire assured the gathering that he had full confidence in the leadership of the High Commission under Mr Severin and he jocularly said if citizens were not happy they should report the High Commissioner to him and he will notify the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister.

However, following a statement of the illustrious career Mr Severin enjoyed as a distinguished civil servant employed in several high-profile roles over thirty years including three stints as Cabinet Secretary to three different administrations in the context of Saint Lucia, no one was in any doubt that he was the man for the job.

Actor Joseph Marcel flanked by Mrs Debbie Melchor, General Secretary of St Lucia Association of London 1963 to his right and Mr David Melchor, left. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Among the many noticeable guests was actor Joseph Marcell who worked the venue well taking choice photos and engaging in tasteful small talk. Guests were treated to an assortment of delicious St Lucian delicacies accompanied by sweet SOCA and zouk music played by DJ Shy Boy ensuring the evening was enjoyed by all.

Guests mingling in the main reception. Photo courtesy CaribDirect

Guests getting together after speeches in the Blue Room. Photo courtesy CaribDirect


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Anonymous March 2, 2022 - 6:00 am



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