Home African Caribbean Reflections Of A Hard-Working Man Of The People

Reflections Of A Hard-Working Man Of The People

by caribdirect

This is a statement made by David Lammy, MP for Tottenham and Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, on July 19th.

“I am 50 today. My feet ache more, getting used to wrinkles, greying hair and sagging muscles. It’s all good though. Grateful for the love of my wife, kids, family, friends and lots of laughter. My heritage, country, London and a life that seemed impossible when I was growing up.”

It is good to reflect on our lives so as to allow us to gain perspective of where we are in relation to where we hoped to be. But it is better, as MP Lammy has done to share those reflections with those among us who aspire to greater heights but face challenges of one kind or another.

Thank you David Lammy MP


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