Home African Caribbean PWC back Go Getters African project

PWC back Go Getters African project

by caribdirect
Clive Caines CaribDirect

Clive Caines Cultural Contributor

In Africa news. Go Getters have made two major announcements indicating that their project to encourage westerners to develop business opportunities in Africa is beginning to gain tracking with major names in the business and media world.

Go Getters first major announcement, coming literally months after creating a business from scratch, suggest that they have not been idle in getting finance from a number of corporate sponsors.

Price Waterhouse Coopers are amongst the most notable names from the business world to offer support. None-the-less with the financial support given to Go Getters not being exactly earth shattering, their top level corporate sponsor package can be obtained for £10, 000, it is more eye catching that one of the biggest names in corporate accountancy is willing to be linked with a company that is only months in existence.

Alieu and Kate from Awethu Project - Incubators for Entreprenuers

Alieu and Kate from Awethu Project – Incubators for Entreprenuers

Go Getters early success in raising finance suggest that they are right to believe that there is massive potential in Africa and that is what makes their project attractive to companies like PwC.

The other major announcement from Go Getters is that online newcomer Millenium Tv have agreed to be one of their supporters. There have always been plans to create a documentary of the African project, using this to reach a wide global audience, so the announcement of Millennium TV as a supporter comes as little surprise.

Alieu and Angel (CEO and Founder) of Homecoming revolution

Alieu and Angel (CEO and Founder) of Homecoming revolution

However there are still questions to be answered on the eventual range of media coverage that Go Getters will achieve if they want an awareness of their project that could be considered universal.

At present along with Millenium Tv and their newly updated website media Go Getters don’t have that many media outlets willing to broadcast their documentary.

Alieu and Yusuf CEO and Founder of Awethu project

Alieu and Yusuf CEO and Founder of Awethu project

Financial support aside Go Getters have also announced that they now have the African Foundation For Development as an advisor. AFFORD was founded as a UK registered charity in 1994 by a group of Africans in the UK, in response to concerns, that despite the vast number of Africans in the UK who organize themselves and contribute to Africa’s development, Africans were effectively marginalized from mainstream development activity directed towards Africa.

Besides the announcement of sponsorship and advice deals Go Getters have also provided evidence that their Africa project is really taking shape by naming the line up of the participants that will make up the Africa team.

Alieu and writer and editor of HumanIPO (African Tech news)

Alieu and writer and editor of HumanIPO (African Tech news)

The eight strong team will be made up people with a range of expertise: Abigail Ngwube dealing with Financial Crime, Harun Efrant dealing with Law, Roland Dadzie and Daniel Gillespie dealing with Technology, Tola James-Odukoya dealing with the beverage industry, Joneal Bryan dealing with Health Care, Mujeeb Lawal dealing with Renewable energy.

Along with the announcement of the delegate line up Go Getters have also confirmed the African countries that pilot project will visit. The five countries due to be visited will be South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leone.

The participants are scheduled to leave later this month and promise to keep ‘Caribdirect’ readers updated.



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