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Orchestral News

by Delia Dolor

Research by YouGov, an international Internet-based market research and data analytics firm, has discovered that when introducing children to classical music, video games have become a major influence.

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra wanted to find out how children discovered orchestral pieces. According to an article in i, overall, aged six to 15 the Orchestra found that children heard classical music as a soundtrack to a computer game, with boys more likely to do so. For seven-year olds, video games (18 per cent) were just as influential as private music lessons (17 per cent).

Film (41 per cent) has become the biggest single influence for children of all ages, followed by television shows (34 per cent).

Only 29 per cent of children said they had listened to orchestral music at school. Others cited car journeys and YouTube (16 per cent).

YouGov is headquartered in the UK, with operations in Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific.

The Colour of Music Festival participates in education and community engagement. At its Houston Petit Festival September 12-18, they have partnered with Metro Houston Middle and High Schools.



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