Home Culture & Society Next Patient, Same Treatment: Bounty also booed at Chug It

Next Patient, Same Treatment: Bounty also booed at Chug It

by caribdirect
Staff writer - Kerran Monroe

Staff writer – Kerran Monroe

It seems Bounty Killer was having too much fun with the night Tommy Lee got booed twice in one night for calling his name on stage at Chug It and Rum Punch.  Bounty Killer performed at the following staging of Chug It, oozing with confidence.

However, his celebratory dance was to be cut short by the crowd at Chug It when he too was booed at Chug It for the same offence, Tommy Lee was guilty of.  Reports are the first Alliance artist to get a taste of the bitter medicine brewing for Bounty Killer was Iyara who opened the performance.Chug It

When Bounty Killer graced the stage, the crowd erupted, then shortly after, the boos began reigning in.  Of course, Bounty Killer, being the War Lord was not prepared to go down without a fight.  Unlike Tommy Lee, two weeks before who conceded, saying “Me will tek da boo de”; Bounty Killer began to verbally attack the crowd.

According to Dancehallstarz.com, the mood got so tense, that the police had to get involved, cautioning Bounty Killer.  However Bounty Killer directed them to the audience members who were throwing sand.

Bounty Killer. Photo courtesy dancehallreggae-entertainment.com

Bounty Killer. Photo courtesy dancehallreggae-entertainment.com


Bounty Killer was adamant that he would not let the detractors in the audience spoil his performance as he was paid to do the show, insulting the members in the audience throwing sand.

Persons are now left wondering if the Tommy Lee Sparta fans planned to attend Chug It that week so they could get their revenge.  Even if not an organized attempt, but just little pockets of Tommy Lee fans turning up at the event and the result; Killer being booed.

Another theory is that this was indeed an organized defense by the Tommy Lee camp.  Or it could be that the fans at Chug It just were not in the mood for the back and forth with the Tommy Lee/Bounty Killer feud.

Whatever it is, this should serve as a lesson to both artistes.  But we know that is not the case.


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