Home NewsCaribbean and the City Caribbean And The City – My Cheapskate date!

Caribbean And The City – My Cheapskate date!

by caribdirect

Staff Writer - Kerran Monroe

So I met this guy through a mutual friend.  He invited me out on a date once and we continued dating for a while.  It was new and fun and I was just living in the moment, not looking for any future, but instead was just going with the flow, in order to avoid disappointment.

Anyway moving on to THAT date.  So we went to a water party.  We did not go together.  There was an understanding that he was going to be there and I was going to be there and we would meet up there at some point.  He got there before me because I was waiting for my friend whom was taking forever.

This idiot, he got there long before me and instead of going inside and start enjoying himself until I get there, he is standing outside, waiting on me for maybe an hour or more.  When I got there, I called him and told him I was approaching the entrance, when I got there I did not see him so I just went inside and did what he was supposed to be doing, enjoying myself.

After a while I called him and we finally met up.  This dude told me to let us go to the bar the get something to drink, and can you believe that he bought ONE cup of drink?  Unbelievable.  So being the brazen young lady that I can be at times, I asked “so where is mine?”  He was like, “me neva nuo seh yo waa one, yo neva ask.”  So I replied “me shudn afi ask.”  Then come a gwaan like him smart bout, “yo waa go back go buy one more.”    But the way he said it, it was like he was trying to dissuade me as if to say “yo waa go back go join dah long line deh?”  I just kindly took the drink from his hand and told him to go get one for himself.

Self confessed cheap Caribbean man!

Yea I know some of you men are going to start cussing me off.  But look at it, you don’t take me to the bar and then buy one drink for YOURSELF, that’s just not gentleman like.  So I was thinking, this cup must be for me and so I took it.  And for all you men who are going to start cursing me out, I had my money, but it was just a matter of principle.  And I refuse to believe that chivalry is dead.  I shall and I will demand chivalry from a man because I am a lady and I deserve it.

I broke up with him after that, because of the drink and other things that happened that night.  He took it really hard and started bad mouthing me to his friends.  Apparently, the thing that had hurt him the most was the fact that I did not have sex with him.  So according to him I am a psycho and I need help (lol).  I found that hilarious.  But thank the lord at least two of his friends were sensible enough to objectively analyze his stories and realized he was not making sense.

Thank God I escaped that train wreck early.  Because the fact that I break up with you should not justify you disrespecting me to your friends, especially when I did not disrespect you in any way, even when I was ending things I did not disrespect you, I was calm and just explained that it was not working out.  But as you grow you learn that there are different types of people in this world and you learn to deal with some and for some you just avoid them.


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