Home BusinessTravel & Leisure Must See Undiscovered Caribbean Islands

Must See Undiscovered Caribbean Islands

by caribdirect
Corn islands beach.

After the Board of Caribbean Hotels and Tourism Association decided to have a summit on tourism with several Caribbean Tourism Heads, the motion to keep increasing number of tourists every year seemed to be the next probable issue for the Caribbean Tourism Department to deal with.

A lot like other countries who have been struggling with their tourism rates, the Caribbean Tourism Department should be looking for locations which haven’t projected to be discovered by most of its visitors.

In Spain, for example, the upcoming EuroVegas, which has been the talk of the town even before the year has started, began to massively draw a lot of attention as soon as they started building it.

Eurovegas-Rescacielos. Photo courtesy www.businessweek.com

Eurovegas-Rescacielos. Photo courtesy www.businessweek.com

The popular poker varieties such as Texas Hold’em and Omaha (which has produced a lot of excellent poker players far and wide) are expected to create a worldwide commotion as these poker enthusiasts are hoping to witness a grand WSOP event in EuroVegas.

There are places in the Caribbean region that have not been fully discovered yet. There are islands that were once eyed to be developed, but were stymied for several years due to some political concerns.

There are a few that are located in several hard to reach areas. While there are some other reasons not to open these areas for public use, there are quite a few more islands that remained undiscovered and are open to public.

If you love the tropics but prefer a low-key, peaceful and a defined perfect Caribbean getaway, avoid the hefty prices and lengthy travel time, the following Caribbean islands below will definitely entice you.

Los Roques, Venezuela. The Los Roques is a national marine reserve archipelago that is dashed with hundreds of islands and coral cays. The Grand Roque is the only place which offers lodging options, which is run by Italian expats.

Los Roques Venezuela

Los Roques Venezuela. Photo courtesy www.losroquesvenezuela.org

Corn Islands, Nicaragua. The two best kept places of the Caribbean: The Big and Little Corn Islands. Located just 50 miles off the shorelines of Nicaragua, the Corns define the old school Caribbean environment.

The Little Corn is said to be more ‘primitive’ as it is only a square mile in size. The place is just so nice that it has unpaved roads, no cars—just majestic white sandy beaches and an entire tropical-forest appearance. Most lodging services are run by European expats.

Corn islands beach.

Corn islands beach. Photo courtesy www.bigcornisland.com

Isla Bastimentos, Panama. The largest island of Bastimentos Marine National Park, Isla Bastimentos has rich lagoons, coral gardens and caves. Visitors normally stay in eco-lodges where swinging monkeys can be watched from afar. This wild, untrammeled place with no signs of automobiles is once called the “Venice of the Caribbean”.

Isla Bastimentos, Panama

Isla Bastimentos, Panama


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