Home Commentary Menopause Signs And Symptoms

Menopause Signs And Symptoms

by Brianna Varnado
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The time when a woman’s menstrual cycles stop is known as the menopause. The typical age range is between forty and fifty-five. If a woman has gone at least a year without having a period, she has reached menopause. 

Your experience with menopause could be specific to you, from when it starts to the kind of menopause signs and symptoms you’ll feel as you age. But there are some common symptoms to inform you where you are in this process.

At what age does menopause start?

The common age for menopause is around fifty-one. But some women have menopause in their 40s, with a small percentage experiencing signs of menopause earlier. Some women might not reach menopause until their 60s. 

There’s no way to recognize your precise menopause age until it takes place; however, genetics appears to play a robust role. You might also get a standard concept of when to count on menopause based on when your circle of relatives went through it, mainly your mom. 

Genetics isn’t the only factor that can affect when menopause starts. Medical elements can also have an impact on menopause timing. For example, if someone’s ovaries are removed, signs and symptoms will start to show without delay. 

Certain health conditions, like autoimmune illnesses, have also been related to early menopause. Women who’ve undergone treatments like radiation therapy or chemotherapy are also much more likely to expose signs in advance. 

Contact your doctor if you are facing period irregularities and get an early diagnosis.

Common symptoms of menopause

Here are 15 common signs and symptoms experienced by women during menopause:

  1. Irregular periods

Menstrual cycles can also become irregular, with cycles that are more frequent or less frequent than usual. Eventually, menstruation stops altogether.

  1. Hot flashes

Hot flashes are sudden, excessive feelings of warmth that can cause sweating and a flushed appearance. They can last from a few seconds to numerous minutes.

  1. Night sweats

Similar to hot flashes, night sweats are episodes of excessive sweating during sleep that can disrupt sleep patterns.

  1. Mood swings

Hormonal fluctuations can cause temper swings, irritability, and increased feelings of anxiety or despair.

  1. Vaginal dryness

Reduced vaginal lubrication due to the decline in estrogen levels can cause pain during sexual activity.

  1. Sleep disturbances

Menopause can be associated with problems falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night due to fatigue and daytime sleepiness.

  1. Changes in libido

Some ladies may enjoy a decrease in sexual preference or modifications in sexual activities all through menopause.

  1. Weight gain

Hormonal changes can contribute to weight gain in some females.  This may be irritating for many of them.

  1. Changes in skin and hair

Menopause can have an effect on the skin, making it drier and more at risk of wrinkles. The hair might also grow thinner or lose texture.

  1. Bone loss

Because of bone growth and loss during menopause, estrogen levels fall, which increases the risk of osteoporosis.

  1. Fatigue

Many women report feeling tired or lacking energy all through menopause. This may be attributed to hormonal modifications, sleep disturbances, or different elements associated with this stage of life.

  1. Memory troubles

Some ladies can also experience memory lapses or problems concentrating throughout menopause. This is regularly referred to as “mind fog” and can be attributed to hormonal fluctuations.

  1. Joint and muscle aches

Menopause can also cause joint and muscle pain. This may be due to hormonal changes or other elements, including decreased physical activity or aging.

  1. Breast tissue changes

Some women may also observe changes in the look, feel, or appearance of their breasts during menopause. This can include improved breast tenderness, fullness, or even the development of breast cysts.

  1. Heart palpitations

Some women may additionally experience heart palpitations or the sensation of an irregular or racing heartbeat during menopause. These symptoms are normally temporary and associated with hormonal fluctuations.

How can you treat the symptoms?

There are ways to manage the symptoms:

  • Lifestyle adjustments. A healthy weight loss plan and simple exercise will help manipulate your signs and boost your health. This is a brilliant time to kick any unhealthy habit, like smoking or drinking. To help with hot flashes or nighttime sweats [VMS], dress lightly and in layers. Avoid triggers like caffeine and highly spicy foods. And if you stay sexually active, that can help preserve your vaginal lining.
  • Prescription medicinal drug for vasomotor signs and symptoms. If you still have your uterus, your medical doctor may prescribe a remedy with estrogen and progesterone. This is called combination hormone remedy (HT) or hormone substitute therapy (HRT). It helps with hot flashes and nighttime sweats, as well as helping prevent osteoporosis. If you don’t have a uterus, you would possibly get estrogen alone.
  • Prescription and OTC medicine for vaginal dryness and sleep problems. You can try topical estrogen, lubricants, and non-estrogen prescriptions for dryness and painful sex. OTC or prescription sleep aids can help if you have trouble falling asleep.


The 15 signs of menopause are a listing of common symptoms that many women report. Among the most common are hot flashes, mood modifications, fatigue, and irregular periods. However, everyone goes through menopause differently. 

It is important to consult your doctor to rule out the potential cause of those symptoms, as menopause isn’t the only aspect that would cause them.


  1. How do you verify menopause?

A change in menstrual patterns and the appearance of hot flashes are typically the first signs. Even though blood tests are not required, your doctor may request them to check the levels of the hormones estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH).

  1. How can you prevent yourself from going into menopause?

You cannot prevent menopause. But you can take steps to experience excellent health into your later years. To help treat a number of the signs and symptoms of menopause and prevent possible complications, practice healthy activities. Maintain a healthy weight, consume a properly-balanced weight loss plan, and exercise frequently.

  1. Do menopause symptoms come on quickly?

Symptoms of menopause can also start all of a sudden, or they may be very mild at first. Additionally, symptoms might not always be present right away or might only occur occasionally. 

Brianna Varnado

Brianna Varnado

Hi I’m Brianna a passionate blogger and content writer. I’ve got expertise in the health, wellness, and fitness domain. I’m inclined towards writing content of my interest in following modern marketing trends. My experience spans multiple years of managing and running health and fitness-related websites, and I truly believe useful information is the most important thing to bring a positive impact in people’s life.


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