Home COVID-19Barbados love island coronavirus fools

love island coronavirus fools

by caribdirect
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Never underestimate the power or reach of the British press! Our very own Sun UK media house broke a story about Love Island star Zara Holland being arrested while trying to leave the island of Barbados with her boyfriend having a positive COVID-19 test result. Yes you read it right! Miss Holland and her COVID-19 positive boyfriend Elliott Love breached quarantine rules and tried to leave Barbados!!!

The couple who arrived in Barbados last Sunday afternoon were swabbed for coronavirus, issued  with red wrist bands and told to remain in their £300-a-night beach front Sugar Bay resort until the results were returned to them. On Tuesday Mr Love was notified that his result was positive and they were both told they would be transported to the Paragon Military Base, the island’s coronavirus quarantine centre for isolation.

The couple are reported to have stripped off the wrist bands, booked a flight back to the UK, boarded a taxi and headed to the Grantly Adams International airport. Unfortunately for them the hotel staff who discovered the two red wrist bands notified the police immediately and the 25 year old ex-beauty queen Zara, and her boyfriend were swiftly apprehended and taken to St Lucy Hospital in northern Barbados.

The couple who now face criminal charges including endangering the lives of Barbadians and visitors, a £18,000.00 fine and at least one year in prison were planning to celebrate to New Year in Caribbean paradise.

Let this be a lesson to all those who believe they are above the laws of Caribbean countries or believe their lives are more precious than Caribbean nationals. Local authorities will not be leniant on offenders and will make examples of them.


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Anonymous January 4, 2021 - 3:08 pm



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