Home African Caribbean Journalist Richard Madeley Shows True Racist Colours At Guyana President Over Slavery

Journalist Richard Madeley Shows True Racist Colours At Guyana President Over Slavery

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Once apon a time journalists were regarded as professionals, representing an elite class of responsible, trustworthy and credible communicators. More and more this writer observes that journalists, radio and TV broadcasters in the UK are no more professional than garbage collectors. 

Recently TV presenter Richard Madeley of This Morning and the chat show Richard & Judy had the distinct privilege of interviewing the Executive President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali on his show. Madeley so filled with rage, insolence and contempt for the president that he couldn’t resist taking a cheap swipe at him by asking why should Britain consider giving reparations to former colonies after so many years. His attitude was grossly disrespectful as he slammed his wrist on the table in anger when he asked the question. Totally unacceptable!

However, what was truly remarkable was how President Ali responded, calm, cool and collected! In true statesmanlike fashion…See part of interview here…


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