Home Business Jamaica plays host to high powered trade mission

Jamaica plays host to high powered trade mission

by caribdirect
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The Africa meets the Caribbean trade mission is set to kick off with a bang on Tuesday 22nd January under the theme, “Social Changes: Catalyst for Regional Investment, Growth & Development”.

Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller

Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller

With prime minister, The Hon. Portia Simpson Miller giving the keynote address on “Moving Jamaica to Developed Nation Status by 2030”, this maiden trade mission organised by CENUK in collaboration with its affiliate Priority First UK Ltd., is expected to discuss many critical economic and developmental matters affecting Jamaica.

Bola Akindele - GMD Courteville Business Solutions PLC

Bola Akindele – GMD Courteville Business Solutions PLC

Under the heading ‘Doing Business In Africa’, Group Managing Director- Courtville Business Solution, Mr. MD Bola-Akindele will provide insights of the many opportunities that exist between African and Jamaica with a particular focus on his company’s flagship concept AutoRegTM Motor Vehicle Administration Documentation (AutoRegTM MVAD) business solution, in Nigeria which has created the largest data capture and process platform in sub-Sahara Africa.

Given the current state of Caribbean economies as a factor of the global economic downturn, the Barbados Stock Exchange, Trinidad Stock Exchange, and Former Prime Minister of Jamaica The Most Honourable Edward Seaga will speak on how these and other specialist institutions can spur investment in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean. 

Other speakers include the Hon. Anthony Hylton; Minister of Industry Investment & Commerce; The Hon. Natalie Neita Headley, Minister with the responsibility for Sports Prime Minister’s Office; Dr. Everton Flemmings
CEO – AEO Consulting, China and many others.

Trade Mission spokesman and Priority Group International director, Denis St

Denis St Bernard

Denis St Bernard

Bernard says, ‘this trade mission is shaping up to be a very exciting and fruitful two weeks with high powered speakers from all over bringing to bear their unique experiences for the benefit of the Caribbean…

…I’m particularly pleased that the Courteville Group in Nigeria has accepted the invitation to showcase their technology to the Caribbean at this juncture in the region’s economic development’.

Priority Group International is a Business Support Service  based in London and Jamaica with representatives throughout the English Speaking Caribbean.

This consultancy focuses on Investigation, Background Checks, and Business Facilitation Services from assisting start ups and established Businesses to creating and assisting various Caribbean / UK/ EU Trade Missions.

Priority First UK provides professional services in Accounting, Strategic Marketing, Business Development, Facilitation, Support, Investigation and Business Networking and Management Services. Our Consultants are all experts in their fields with many years experience. www.prioritycompanies.net

Accompanying this high powered trade mission is UK based IT company  Zeraxis Ltd. This international technology focused company is keen to recruit several ICT Consultants from Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago to work on two of their global projects. Zeraxis’ customers are global, in territories as far away as  Norway, Sweden and Germany.  www.zeraxis.com

For details of the program click: Conference Agenda Jan 9 2013 Updated

The Jamaica leg of the trade mission ends on Thursday 24th January and moves on to Trinidad for five days.

CaribDirect.com are the official media and press organisation for this mission and will be filing articles daily from Jamaica and Trinidad.

For more details email [email protected]


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