Home African Caribbean Is Fmr President Jagdeo’s evil past catching up with him?

Please note this article is in Guyanese creole.

Jail watching nuff people who think that dem coulda do wha dem want fuh as long as dem want. Jagdeo like nuff people don’t like see land suh when he tun president he decide to grab land like when dog grabbing fowl or like when hawk grabbing chicken.

Former President Jagdeo. Photo courtesy www.stabroeknews.com

Former President Jagdeo. Photo courtesy www.stabroeknews.com

Dem boys seh that he grab till he now grab de jail door. And he got nuff of dem wid him because thief man don’t like going to jail alone.
When de news buss out, he run out de house. Dem boys see he running and de security running behind him. He didn’t know wheh he going and de security didn’t even know wheh he going.
In de end he end up at Babbie. When he meet deh, he wasn’t alone. He see Priya, de Westford gyal, and Rob de Earth. All of dem was complaining how Babbie mislead dem.
When dem see de land and dem decide to tek it, dem ask Babbie if it was thiefing and he tell dem no. All of dem want to know if dem going to jail.
Donald hear de conversation from outside de window. He was there digging up some of de money that hide up there. He tell dem that de only way dem can avoid jail is if dem go backtrack to Suriname.
De Chat-3 know that people can go to jail suh he try to spin de issue. He claim how de people who want to charge Jagdeo trying to dodge de pay increase. He ain’t telling people that he is de man who cause de increase in de first place. He is de man who mek Sam Blinds pay jump three times as high and people didn’t know.
De truth is that moon does run till day ketch am. When Jagdeo build de mansion he think that he woulda enjoy causing people who he don’t like to suffer.
He don’t like de Waterfalls boss man suh he get people to trump up charges. Maurice Arjoon didn’t support de Berbice Bridge suh he get people to trump up charges against him.
Well dem boys seh that he day come. Is charge upon charge fuh he tail.
Talk half and listen out fuh de wailing and bawling.

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