Home African Caribbean How The Son Of A Slave Chevalier de Saint-Georges Wowed France With His Music

How The Son Of A Slave Chevalier de Saint-Georges Wowed France With His Music

by caribdirect
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The stories of accomplished Black men and women from yore that have been deliberately hidden are endless. But the stories of accomplished Black men and women of yore who suffered persecution, damnation and some cases death are less known.

The story of Chevalier de Saint-Georges, the son of a Senalese slave woman who grew to international popularity with his prowess in music, competing with the likes of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, is quite compelling. Captured in the film CHEVALIER this author recommends every Black person over the age of 18 should make it a Must See. This author went to see it twice over the last weekend at the ACTONE CINEMA in Acton, it is such a good film but don’t take my word for it…Go see it yourself!



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