Home African Caribbean Wed. 30 Oct. HOME AGAIN to Premiere at British Museum, tomorrow

In entertainment news. HOME AGAIN to Premiere at British Museum, London for Black History Month.

Epicum Films hosts a star studied Red Carpet Film Premiere for “Home Again”, a feature length movie starring Tatyana Ali, CCH Pounder, Lyriq Bent, Stephan James and Paul Campbell.

This exciting night to remember will all be happening at the British Museum, where we close the gates to celebrate and screen an Award Winning film and celebrate the talents of our actors.

Tatyana Ali Marva Johnson arrives in Jamaica Photo courtesy wwwstraightcom

Tatyana Ali (Marva Johnson) arrives in Jamaica. Photo courtesy www.straight.com

Confirmed to attend are Tatyana Ali, CCH Pounder and the award winning Directors and Producers of the movie, as well as celebrity guests from the world of music, film and fashion.

For any information on VIP tickets, please go to www.epicumfilms.com

We have some tickets to give away for competitions to your viewers and also press passes for the event.  Contact [email protected] or [email protected] for any requests. The film will release in cinemas November 13 2013. See More Details: HomeAgain-presskit UK





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